

第1个回答  2015-10-21
The comments of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Brad Pitt makes his mark as an actor here as Benjamin Button, a man with a strange disorder - physically aging backwards. Along his emotional journey of life he encounters friends, family, loved ones, adventures, and most of all, chances.Rarely has a film keeps the realism intact while still sustaining the magic of it. Truly, David Fincher and Pitt have created a film that is leaps and bounds ahead of its time. Taking a strange and fascinating tale and making it into one of the decade's very best films is something of an accomplishment.
Pitt, here, is an actor, not just a pretty face anymore. With the state-of-the-art visual effects at his hand, he pretty much carries the whole show. It is perhaps the first time since Andy Serkis' rendition of Gollum in The Lord of the Rings, that great acting has eclipsed terrific special effects. You genuinely feel and sympathize for his character, rooting for him all the way. Pitt owns the film, in short. He and David Fincher make a great team, and they look unstoppable to create more terrific films.For the supporting cast, Cate Blanchett plays the love interest of Daisy to great effect. Her tale with Benjamin's make them somewhat star-crossed lovers. I won't go that far into detail but you'll see much later into the film. Taraji P. Henson also shines as Benjamin's surrogate mother, who gives her son the support he needs. Not to mention Tilda Swinton as an early love interest.The screenplay by Eric Roth is excellent. Told from Benjamin's point of view with some highlights by Daisy, there are no clichéd dialogs to be heard, and the script is filled with equal moments of joy, ecstasy, sorrow, and understanding. Some dialog here is timeless and quotable, such as the film's tag-line; "We are defined by opportunities, even by the ones we miss." When you age backwards, you get more chances rather than missing it.本回答被网友采纳

family, loved ones, adventures, and most of all, chances.Rarely has a film keeps the realism intact while still sustaining the magic of it. Truly,

还有《辛德勒名单》,辛德勒内心的转变 《南京南京》,那个日本主人公的内心转变,包括电影中的几个重要的点,对他都有怎样的影响 《海上钢琴师》,1900一辈子没有下船,他有机会下船的,却没有,为什么 《换子疑云》,朱莉从儿子丢失到失而复得,到回来的儿子不是亲生的,到寻子之路。《返老还童...

《海上钢琴师》一个卓越的钢琴师 他出生在船上,却从未踏上陆地一步,情节我忘了了不少, 很感动很让人思考,陶冶心灵,,,推荐之 令推荐:《返老还童》,我们的人生都是从小长到大,如果有的人是生下来很老,从老长到小,期间又有一段爱情夹杂其中,你想 两人一人从老大小,一人从小到老,...

呃,楼主可以去看看Titanic。很经典,还有返老还童,阿甘正传 貌似是男人必看啊··肖申克的救赎 这些都不错,还有一部就是有点老 不知道楼主喜欢不,就是乱世佳人,太经典了···希望对你有帮助···


《西西里的美丽传说》《天堂电影院》这两部和《海上钢琴师》是托纳多雷的三部曲 《阿甘正传》《雨人》《兄弟连》虽然是电视剧,也很不错。还有汤姆 汉克斯的电影都很不错 对啦,还有《闻香识女人》阿尔帕西诺演的也很棒 《美丽人生》《雨人》《肖申克的救赎》已经是很出名的 ...

5.还有是哪个导演的三部曲 我忘了 但一部比一部震撼 他很擅长从童年回忆入手 叙事挺强的 天堂电影院 海上钢琴师 西西里的美丽传说 前两者一定要看额!!!6.我很牛逼的告诉你 我居然看过音乐之声的== 7.虽然你只让我介绍生活片 但《辛德勒的名单》《拉贝日记》这两部 作为一个...

13 ,我的朋友是明星 14 物质女孩 15 平民天后 16,公主日记 17,歌舞青春 18,律政俏佳人 19,麻辣宝贝 20,恋爱刺客 21,美少女啦啦队 22,12月男孩(哈利波特演的哟)23,足球尤物 24,魔法双星 25,超完美男人 先说这么多。PS 很多美剧也是超级练英语水平的,众所周知的 老友记 非常适合练习英语哦!

求推荐类似美丽心灵 美丽人生 海上钢琴师 心灵捕手 返老还童 类似...

...阿甘正传》《楚门的世界》《海上钢琴师》的电影,越多越好_百度知 ...
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