

1 你来自西班牙的哪个地方?那里最著名的美食有些什么?

2 西班牙南部地区与北部地区的饮食是否相差很大,比如像意大利南北部和法国南北部那样的差距。如果有,请简单讲解一下西班牙南、北部的最重要的几点差别在哪里?西班牙北部是否也算地中海烹饪方式。

3 西班牙餐饮中,tapas有很重要的地位,能否介绍一下tapas文化,比如,人们通常在什么时间什么场合吃,搭配些什么酒?请具体介绍2-3款最传统最常见的tapas。

4 能否介绍一下传统的海鲜饭的recipe,要注意些什么才能做得好吃?另外,西班牙是否也常常食用大米,是一半的rice,还是意大利米,还是说是西班牙特有的?

5 西班牙火腿和意大利火腿有什么不同?

6 如果要你说出3道最能代表西班牙地中海特色的料理,是哪三道?需要与其他国家都非常不一样的。

7 西班牙料理中常用的herbs和spices都有些什么?能否说一些人们习惯而常用的搭配,比如人们常常在做羊排的时候放rosemary,而烹饪海鲜的时候则喜欢用basil。

1 你认为组成地中海饮食结构里最重要的一些成分是什么?比如常用食材是什么?烹饪方法的特别?

2 你对地中海其他国家的食物是否了解,能否就你所了解的国家做一些简单介绍,虽然同属于地中海饮食,但各自有些什么独特的特点。

3 都说地中海饮食是最健康的一种饮食方式,你怎样看?有没有一些其实并不那么健康的成分在里面?

It's about a Mediterranean cuisine project, so I want to please introduce your part of Spain, and he's a whole to the Mediterranean diet.

1 where do you come from Spain? There is the most famous food some?

2 in northern and southern Spain difference whether diet, such as Italy and France as the percentage percentage. If yes, please explain Spain simple south and north of the most important points difference in where? Whether the northern Spain also calculate the Mediterranean cuisine.

3 in the Spanish food tapas, have very important position, can introduce tapas culture, for example, people usually eat what occasion in any time, what tie-in wine? Please introduce 2-3), the most common form of the traditional tapas.

Can you introduce the traditional godmother, what should notice intend to do good? In addition, Spain is also often eat rice, is half of rice, or Italy, Spain, or special?

Five Spanish ham and Italian ham what differs?

6 if you want to tell you three ways to represent the characteristic of Mediterranean Spain, which three ways? Need to other countries are not the same.

7 Spanish cuisine in herbs and spices are? Some people can say habits, such as the common people often collocation when doing lamb chops, and rosemary put cooking time like seafood with basil.

Below is part of the problem about the whole Mediterranean diet.
1 do you think that a mediterranean-style diet composed some of the most important components is what? Such as common ingredients is what? Cooking methods of special?

2 you to other countries of the Mediterranean food, whether can you know about the country do some simple introduction, though with a Mediterranean diet, but what their unique characteristics.

3 all said the Mediterranean diet is the health of a dietary patterns, and how do you see? Have some actually not so healthy ingredients in it?

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翻译:雷焕当上丰城的县令到达丰城,挖掘县里的监狱房屋的地基,向下到地下4丈多,发现一个石匣,表面非常的光亮,石匣内有两把剑,并发现有雕刻的字题, 一把剑上写着“龙泉”,另一把剑上写着“太阿”。当天夜里,就看不到北斗星和牛郎星之间的紫气了。雷焕用南昌西山北山石岩下的土来擦宝剑,...

36 今天天气如何?今天是雨天,请随身带一把伞。what about the weather today? it is rainy, please take a umbrella 37 昨天天气怎样?昨天是刮风天,天气较冷。what about the weather yesterday? it was windy, bad weather 38 今天是阴天,明天是雨天,后天有场台风。today is cloudy. tomorrow...

请帮忙翻译一下几句英语~ 谢谢!
9. May I take your order? Well, wait a moment , will you? 要点菜吗?好的,请稍等。10. Thank you for your purchase. Mind your steps. 谢谢光临,请慢走!有多种表达法呢,祝开心,望采纳哦!

翻译如下:Excuse me,Can you help me? 打扰一下,你能帮我吗?Sure.当然。How can I get to the science Museum?我怎么能到科学博物馆呢?It's over there.在那边。Thanks.谢谢。Oh,Where is Robin? 啊,罗宾在哪?重点词汇:Excuse me:英 [iksˈkju:z mi:] 美 [ɪk&#...

贤重solo曲《谢谢》歌词 出处:金贤重solo曲《谢谢》中文:谢谢你 在我身边做停留 让我激动 我们将要一起走过的前路 我爱你 在你面前虽然有点尴尬 但是我一定会让你幸福 对不起 遇到我这样的人 有很多的痛苦 有太多不足的我 留在你身边直到最后 守护著美丽的你 祈祷直到死也不放开你的手 我们约定一...

请帮忙翻译成中文 谢谢
回答和翻译如下:到海滩大约需要4个小时。当我们到达那里时,就是午餐时间。所以我们会在海滩附近找个餐馆吃海鲜。午饭后我们会去旅馆登记。我们将休息或小睡到下午晚些时候,这样天气就不会太热了。然后我们去海滩放松一下,也许吃些小吃,比如虾和鱿鱼。Then it will take about 4hours to the beach...

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Chinese characters. Aren't they very interesting? I like my own country's culture, so I hope you understand.Please send whatever postcards you like to me! Thanks very much! I hope that we can meet one day, and that we will become friends!翻译完咯!^-^ 希望对你有帮助。

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