
求一篇英语作文,字数在100-120。题目〔这次寒假最难忘的一件事〕以下为大致内容:过年了,我与父母去旅游,在海南玩得很开心,在沙滩玩耍 ,照相留念,吃了许多美味食物,与当地人相处很好,快要离开之际很舍不得。可适当添加内容,希望所用词汇,词组范围尽量在高一内。大神拜托了~

Let off fireworks
One day during the Spring Festival evening, my mother and I open the lockers, mother took a fireworks, handed over to the father, told my father to accompany me to the downstairs fireworks.
I went downstairs and Dad, dad told me: "don't point attention primer with the burning match, because the match flame, primer will soon burn, if children did not leave the scene, had already set off fireworks, may harm children's body." Dad had just lit cigarette handed me said softly: "ignite the primer and it ran off, will not be dangerous." I follow his father's method, ignition primer. Just listen to "bang" sound, the fireworks into the dark sky, I hastened to cover your ears.
Fireworks like a blossoming flowers be riotous with colour, red rose, yellow, and Green Peony bloom, bloom in the night sky, like a garden in the air. Fireworks like bright stars in the sky, blinking my eyes.
第1个回答  2014-02-03
= Unfadable Memory in this Vacation =

Lots of fadable memories, they faded, and are fading.

It was New Year, we, parents and I, went for a voyage in Hainan. We then lolloped in the streets there, photographed the paysage there, savoured the delicacies there, and, cultivated the residents there.
Time was ticking rapidly, we had to and then leave Hainan, with reluctance.

It has become part of fundamental of my cerebrum, I shall never let it, just fade away...
第2个回答  2014-02-03
Chinese new year, and I'm traveling with their parents, in Hainan had a good time, playing on the beach, camera pictures, eat a lot of delicious food, got along well with the locals, and is about to leave the place very reluctant.

Let off fireworks 春节期间的一天晚上,我和妈妈打开储物柜,妈妈拿出一个焰火,交给爸爸,叮嘱爸爸陪我到楼下放焰火。One day during the Spring Festival evening, my mother and I open the lockers, mother took a fireworks, handed over to the father, told my father to accompany me to ...

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