

阿联酋迪拜的帆船酒店(Burj Al-Arab)是世界上唯一的七星级酒店,位于延伸至阿拉伯海湾内280米处的人工岛上,外形就像迎风飘扬的风帆,塔高321米,堪称建筑杰作,是阿联酋最奢侈的代表。酒店拥有202间豪华的套房,餐厅位于最顶层,极其华丽。


第1个回答  2013-12-22
第2个回答  2013-12-22
That sailing Dubai, UAE in conjunction hotel:
1. The world's most luxurious hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates when the number of porcelain-Park (BurjAl-Arab) hotel, translated into Chinese, also known as "Al Arab", which is one of the few in the world of one of the seven-star hotel. At the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai.
2.The road is being looked as if he was sailing in the image of the hotel built on an artificial beach on the island, a boat-shaped tower building, a total of 56 layers, 321 meters high, from a well-known British designers WS Atkins设计. Hotel double-membrane structure in the form of construction, lightweight design, elegant, with strong characteristics of the membrane structure and modern style. It has 202 sets of double rooms, 200 meters high overlooking the city of Dubai restaurant. Went to the Burj Al Arab hotel, you can feel the true meaning of the "magnificent." Its courtyard is the Jin Cancan, it's the most luxurious 780-square-meter presidential suite is even more remarkable gorgeous, in the 25th floor, furniture is the gold-plated, has a cinema, two bedrooms, two living rooms, a restaurant, Have access to a dedicated elevator. Rooms from the area of 170 square meters to 780 square meters range. Seven-star hotel prices will definitely not cheap, have a minimum 900 U.S. dollars, the presidential suite will be 18,000 U.S. dollars. The hotel has a 8 BMW Rolls-Royce and two, stay for tourists from the airport directly, or from the hotel's dedicated 28-seat helicopter Airport, spent 15 minutes in the air overlooking the beauty of Dubai. If guests want to eat seafood restaurant, they will be sent to the submarine restaurant, so that they can enjoy dinner before the wonders of the seabed.
Shen Dong in 1999, "Park Hotel porcelain," the completion of the ribbon-cutting ceremony, welcoming door. It's stunning the degree of luxury, the experts in a rather embarrassing situation, really do not know that it is scheduled to sing a few stars: five-star and six stars, or seven stars? There is really no precedent, not to exact a result. It is said that Park should be zoned to Seven Star porcelain. In fact, few stars are not important, the key to the hotel industry is one of the world, "second to none," the desert between the ocean and the great building, raising the pursuit of excellence in human thinking and Hollywood-style dream.
British designer hotel from the WSAtkins wrote proudly, standing in the artificial beach on the island, yacht-like, species were pyramid, from head to foot-56, up to 321 meters, with 202 sets of double rooms, in the middle of the upper Location overlooking the city to build a luxury restaurant, which had cultivated itself into a world of the garden courtyard. It is at "Jumeirah Beach Hotel," Once upon a time, it is the world's best, but, to do face-to-face and porcelain-Park neighbors, Chen appears to be more than a cold.
Park entered the hotel porcelain can savor the meaning of the resplendent. Hall, Atrium, suites, bathrooms ... any place ... all the Jin Cancan, even the door handles, faucets, ashtrays, coat hooks and even a note of paper are filled with gold plating. Although only a thin layer, but beyond the imagination of the guests, many eyes are big, flattered. Mr. Fan Sizhe the late fashion designer is a big seen various aspects of society, he had also been parked luxury porcelain to the Zhenzhu, sleep a night, he is extremely useful, Feng Renbian will be amazed.

1、阿拉伯塔酒店因外形酷似船帆,又称迪拜帆船酒店,酒店建在离沙滩岸边280米远的波斯湾内的人工岛上,仅由一条弯曲的道路连接陆地,酒店共有56层,321米高,酒店的顶部设有一个由建筑的边缘伸出的悬臂梁结构的停机坪。2、阿拉伯塔酒店,即Burj Al Arab(迪拜帆船酒店),位于阿联酋迪拜海湾,以金碧辉煌...

阿联酋迪拜的帆船酒店(Burj Al-Arab)是世界上唯一的七星级酒店,位于延伸至阿拉伯海湾内280米处的人工岛上,外形就像迎风飘扬的风帆,塔高321米,堪称建筑杰作,是阿联酋最奢侈的代表。酒店拥有202间豪华的套房,餐厅位于最顶层,极其华丽。帆船酒店共有56层,是全球最豪华和最高的饭店,比法国艾菲尔铁塔还...

帆船酒店,也称为迪拜帆船酒店或Burj Al Arab,是位于阿联酋迪拜的一家标志性七星级豪华酒店。它以其独特的帆船造型和超凡的奢华设施而闻名于世。酒店于1999年开业,设计灵感来源于传统阿拉伯帆船,其建筑高度达到321米,共56层,是迪拜的地标性建筑之一。酒店规模与设施 帆船酒店内部装潢极尽奢华,共有202...

迪拜帆船酒店是位于阿联酋迪拜的一座标志性建筑,以其独特的帆船造型和奢华的服务而闻名于世。作为世界知名的酒店,它提供了顶级的住宿体验和高品质的服务。二、卓越的设施与服务 1. 独特的建筑设计:迪拜帆船酒店的外形像一艘巨大的帆船,富有现代感。其豪华的大堂、精致的客房以及一流的会议设施都体现了...


帆船酒店的构思最初来自于阿联酋国防部长、迪拜王储哈姆丹·本·穆罕默德·扎耶德。该酒店的设计工作由英国建筑师威廉·特纳(William Turnbull)的团队完成,展现了前所未有的奢华与创新。帆船酒店不仅是全球最高的酒店,也是全球首个被评定为七星级豪华酒店的建筑。1999年,帆船酒店正式对外开放,其屋顶设有...

阿联酋迪拜的帆船酒店位于延伸至阿拉伯海湾内二百八十米处的人工岛上,外型像一艘扬帆远航的船,共有五十六层,三百二十一米高,是全球最豪华和最高的饭店,比法国艾菲尔铁塔还高出一截。因为实在太豪华,它被世界媒体誉为“全球唯一的七星级酒店”。酒店装饰的时候仅黄金就用了二十七吨! 酒店拥有二百零二...


2. 作为迪拜的标志性建筑,阿拉伯塔酒店(Burj Al Arab)以其奢华和辉煌闻名于世。3. 迪拜帆船酒店的设计理念最初由阿联酋国防部长兼迪拜王储马克图姆提出。经过全球众多设计师的创意和迪拜人的财富支持,以及五年的建造时间,这座融合了伊斯兰风格、奢华装饰、高科技工艺和建筑材料的梦幻建筑诞生了,并赢得...

迪拜帆船酒店,这座闻名遐迩的奢华度假胜地,坐落在阿联酋迪拜的人工岛屿上,其设计出自于著名建筑师扎哈·哈迪德之手,以独特的帆船造型著称,仿佛一艘巨轮正扬帆远航。酒店内部装潢极尽奢华,设施完备,成为游客在迪拜体验豪华假期的不二之选。预订迪拜帆船酒店的步骤:1. 预先预订酒店房间:在前往迪拜之前,...
