我们也要像他一样努力 实现自己的梦想 用英语怎么说啊

我们也要像他一样努力 实现自己的梦想 用英语怎么说啊求大神翻译 谢谢 急!!!

您好翻译为答:We also should work as hard as he does to realize our dreams.
第1个回答  2016-11-15
We should work as hard as he does to realize our dreams.
第2个回答  2016-11-15
Also,we need to work as hard as he does, in order to realize our dreams.

25、只要比别人更努力,相信自己一定会成功。 As long as more efforts than others, believe you will succeed. 26、一个真正的朋友会握着你的手,触动你的心。 A true friend is the one who holds your hand and touches your heart. 27、一个能思考的人,才真是一个力量无边的人。 A person can think...

11、每个人都有美好的梦想,只有坚持,你的梦想才能实现。 Everyone has a beautiful dream. Only by persevering can your dream e true. 12、如果一个人不知道他要驶向哪个码头,那么任何风都不会是顺风。 If a man does not know which pier he is heading for, then no wind will go downwind. 13、我们...

年轻人就要多努力实现自己梦想的句子(篇一) 1.人生就像是在画一幅没有橡皮的画。 2.有时候,是我们自己想太多,才让自己如此难受。 3.所谓梦想,是永不停息的疯狂。 4.成功,从失败的土壤中顽强生出。 5.我们必须调整我们的生活形态,使黄金时代藏在未来的老年里,而不藏在过去的青春和天真的时期里。 6.我们应...

papillon,音译,即使力量微小,也要执着冲破束缚,追求自由,证明自己,来源于美国经典越狱电影《巴比龙》。王嘉尔这首歌是想表达有梦想就要追求,努力过就不会后悔。歌词:You got me feeling like a Feeling like a Papillon 你知道吗?你让我觉得感觉像个巴比隆 Find it 找到它 I'll shine like a...

are not shown in the block The face of many obstacles. But think carefully, we are too.Robinson learned after the experience, I can not help but appreciate the insistence optimism, perseverance important."" From our population do not know how many there have been times, and for ...


如果要实现自己的梦想,就要远离失败者。对于勇于追逐梦想的人,生活有着不一样的意义。 When you become the right person, what you do is to start separating yourselves from other people. You begin to have your certain uniqueness. As long as you following other people, as long as you will be a...

第一段翻译:Exhibition letter Ann, busy to disturb you is really embarrassed.Now, I think I should be time to write a letter to you,I just know you hate me so much,。but please allow to be my last audience?Because there is a lot that I want to tell you through this ...

51、“麻烦”能让你学会很多东西,也是锻炼你自己的机会,因此不要害怕“麻烦”。 Trouble can help you learn a lot, and it's also an opportunity to exercise yourself, so don't be afraid of trouble.励志名言英语短句 1、世界上只有一样东西是任何人都不能抢走的,那就是智慧。 There is only one ...

12、杨晓芸:我觉着男人好色,完全就是因为他比咱们少了个子宫,根本就不用承担任何后果。 13、杨晓芸:我有时候就在想,男人之所以想到什么就能干什么,就是因为他们没有依赖心理。要是咱们能像他们一样自私,一样努力,那咱们也能成功。 14、徐志森:一个生意人,一个成功的生意人,他会听取别人的意见,但他绝对不会听取...
