求英文作文一篇 字数不限,但不要太少.

1.this is a email from your cousin tony who is living in britain.
hello steven,
thank you for your email. i have just finished all my the term assignments. what a relief! summer holiday starts and lasts for five months. i am planning to travel to asia before the new school year begins.
i am very interested in travelling to macau for a few days to see the place and of course, to visit you. as i have a rather tight schedule, could you help me plan a 3 day itinerary? i think my visit will be around mid august. not being over 18years old, i don't think i can visit the casinos in macau. where would you recommend me to go and eat? i really want to spend some time learning more about macau's history and heritage and to experience the special things in macau.
2.you are writing to reply to tony. you should include in your letter the places you recommend him to go. also, explain the reasons why you recommend htose places.
thank you very much for your email. i am very happy that you will come to macau during your summer holiday.
regarding your 3 day trip.i would recommend you....

Dear Tony,

Thank you very much for your email. i am very happy that you will come to macau during your summer holiday.

Regarding your 3 day trip,I would recommend you to visit The Monte Fort for the first day, which lies in the center of the Macao peninsula, overlooking Macao and witnessing its development. it was built by the first Portuguese settlers, marking the region as the oldest European settlement in Asia.

A short distance down from the fort is the ruins of St Paul’s Cathedral. Some people say it is "the greatest Christian monument in the East although only a fa?ade and stone steps remain." So I recommend you visit the St Paul’s Cathedral for the second day, and you must have fun there.

As for the third day, you should not miss the A-Ma Temple, which is in the south of the Macao peninsula. The temple is a typical Chinese building with eagle-like eaves and a tower behind it.

I am sure you are going to love macau and have a great travel here.
If you have any request, please let me know.

Can not wait to see you.
