求英语手工翻译: 物流显示已递送并且被签收,但实际我们没有拿到货物,请帮忙查询货物当前的状态,最好


We have not yet received our package, however the status of the package is showing up as "delivered". Please double check with the carrier and update me with the correct status, even better if you can provide me with a scanned copy of the shipping order/freight note.

shipping order / freight note 运单
♥希望采纳 不懂请追问哟♥
第1个回答  2015-01-21
The logistics record showed that the goods had been delivered and signed off, but actually we did not get the goods. Would you please help to check the current status of the goods and better provide us a scanned waybill.


The logistics record showed that the goods had been delivered and the receipt displayed, however, we actually did not receive it. Could you please assist us checking the current status of the goods. and it would be better if a waybill could be provided.
第2个回答  2015-01-21
According to the logistics record,the goods have been delivered and signed,but we haven't get the goods.Please help check the status of the goods and offer me an scanned waybill.
第3个回答  2015-01-21
express company shows delivery and receipt already,but actually we didnt get the stuff.please check the current state for now,and give me a waybill by scan if you can thank you very much
第4个回答  2019-03-26