


Multimedia education, this year it is a popular teaching methods, through the use of projectors, electronic whiteboards, audio equipment, central control systems, computer and other digital teaching equipment, coupled with the use of educational software (multimedia electronic classroom system), use of multimedia with a map , text, sound and images Mao or even the activities of such features, to provide the best teaching and learning environment.


Multimedia education, this year it is a popular teaching methods, through the use of projectors, electronic whiteboards, audio equipment, central control systems, computer and other digital teaching equipment, coupled with the use of educational software (multimedia electronic classroom system...

Modern multi-media teaching is an important means of educational technology, one of the teaching of biology in colleges and universities have been widely used, due to the unique biological characteristics of teaching, there is growing recognition of a deep multi-media teaching in the bi...

Along with computer technology prevalent and development, Utilizing computer technology to realize educational modernization has become many schools new research topic. Multimedia education taking advantage of vivid photos, images, high-technology has made school education simplicity, diverted educat...

The use of multi media, make the classroom tense and active. It widen the vision of the student, concertrate their mind, develop the operation and thinking ability, motivate their study and inovation ability.

the capability is also the purport of this item.本译文绝对属于本人自译;并无使用任何google等文章翻译软件 注:楼主第六排的第七个字是多余的吧?因为我读起很不通顺。所以就为你省略了。如果有什么不适合LZ可以自己适当修改一下。Translator: ciotes 参考资料:牛津词典;金山词霸;网络翻译;...

, discover be not worth pointing out the essential points time update therefore asking ceaseless time to apply during the period of first step fabrication is completed,ability makes debugging and modification only having many times making excellent work.标准人工翻译、、希望可以帮助你、、...

It is playing an important role in strengthening and showing the result, building and showing the atmosphere, promoting selling to propagate etc.. 文章对多媒体技术的定义、特点以及在展示空间中的具体应用进行了分析,并对其未来的发展趋势进行了展望。 Article definition, characteristic and usin...

Promote the development of the productive forces is the most contemporary computer positive factors, it has gone down to almost all areas of human life and production, raises economic structure, social structure and people's lives. Promote the development of the productive forces is the...

谁能帮我把它翻译成英文 万分感激
你应该去下个翻译工具,我用的是“有道桌面词典”,以下是译文,和一楼的好像一样...但他不给你介绍个,治标不治本!望采纳 In the high school mathematics teaching of multimedia applications With China's economic growth, the comprehensive national strength, the state education for increasing ...

talking about the application of multimedia technology to teaching dance, dance in the pros and cons, and expounded in the teaching of dance and dance, a reasonable application of multimedia technology in order to achieve the perfect combination of modern technology and traditional dance.
