




Offer our very best wishes for your continued success!We looking forword to your early reply.谨祝事业蒸蒸日上!敬候佳音!

Very truly yours.此致
多谢几位,明天下午我会把个人认为答案合适的分数给出 谢谢你们!
都比我写的要好 谢了各位

Thank you for your timely response(佩服敬业?对老外说很奇怪的,建议删除哈。呵呵). Our company is devoted in developing international market with our reputation of supplying high quality products worldwide recognized. We will provide you the products with excellent quality at best price, which is an objective we both share. So, we are looking forward to cooperation with your company for a win=win situation.

Regarding the email from you at 9th XXX, please clarify with some items we are unclear about.

Could you please provide your company's operation type (manufacturer or business),contact info.(tel, fax) and other detailed information for us so that we could offer you the best price we can.
Do your company use our product or merchandise them? From Google searches, I learned your company is related to CaC03. Do your company any related to crude industry? Do you have a steady downstream customer base regarding crude exploitation or crude refinement (注:压裂应为冶炼)。
Please let me know if there is any question and I will response at my earliest convenience.

Offer our very best wishes for your continued success!We looking forword to your early reply.谨祝事业蒸蒸日上!敬候佳音!
【Wish you a good business and waiting for your good news】

Very truly yours.此致
第1个回答  2009-07-13

we appreciate your early reply and your devotion to the job. we are working on exploring the international market; our products are well received. we can offer you the most competitive price and products of better qulity. we have the same goal speaking of that. we look forward to a sincere cooperation with your company and muturally benefit.(muturally是相互的意思,我不知道自己拼写的对不对,你再查查)
subject to your letter on 9, there's some misunderstanding, please kindly give us a reply on the following questions.
1.if you could please give more detailed information about your company such as your major products, contact(telephone,fax)? this will enable us to give you a more favorable price.
2.your company would buy products from our company for selfuse or for sale? we have searched on google and known that your company deals with Caco3, have you ever deal with with gasline products? do you have any clients dealing with petrol exploring?
if you have any question, do contact us. we will answer all your questions.

Offer our very best wishes for your continued success!We looking forword to your early reply.wish your business a greater success.
we look forward to your kind reply.



第2个回答  2009-07-13
For your timely reply expressed his gratitude at the same time express our admiration for your work! Our commitment to developing the international market, the quality of our products has been a wide range of international praise, and we strive to provide you with the most favorable prices, better quality products, at this point, I think we have a common goal. Therefore, I expect the same and your Secretary of sincere cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win situation (I feel this more difficult, bad translation).

About you on the 9th of Control, Division I still have a little unclear, perhaps taking the time to reply

1. The possibility of providing includes the direction of your specific business (the production or business) and contact information (phone, fax) and other more detailed information for our reference so that I can give you the Secretary for the most preferential prices;
2. Your need for our products are for personal use or for sale? As can be seen from google your business calcium carbonate (CACO3), on whether the oil sector have been involved in? Fracturing of oil or oil whether it is the stability of the downstream customer base?
For other questions, please send an e-mail, I will answer you.

Offer our very best wishes for your continued success! We looking forword to your early reply. I wish the cause of success!good news!

Very truly yours. Sincerely,
第3个回答  2009-07-13
Following is the message body, please expert translated into English, in order to accurately reality, in line with the requirements of business letters! Thanks!

For your timely reply expressed his gratitude at the same time express our admiration for your work! Our commitment to developing the international market, the quality of our products has been a wide range of international praise, and we strive to provide you with the most favorable prices, better quality products, at this point, I think we have a common goal. Therefore, I expect the same and your Secretary of sincere cooperation, mutual benefit and win-win situation (I feel this more difficult, bad translation).

About you on the 9th of Control, Division I still have a little unclear, perhaps taking the time to reply

1. The possibility of providing includes the direction of your specific business (the production or business) and contact information (phone, fax) and other more detailed information for our reference so that I can give you the Secretary for the most preferential prices;

2. Your need for our products are for personal use or for sale? As can be seen from google your business calcium carbonate (CACO3), on whether the oil sector have been involved in? Fracturing of oil or oil whether it is the stability of the downstream customer base?

For other questions, please send an e-mail, I will answer you.

Offer our very best wishes for your continued success! We looking forword to your early reply. I wish the cause of success!敬候good news!

Very truly yours. Sincerely,