----- Initializing Renderer ----
execing ragdoll.cfg from disk
----- Client Initialization -----
----- Client Initialization Complete -----
Trying SMP acceleration...
----- R_Init -----
Getting Direct3D 9 interface...
Pixel shader version is 3.0
Vertex shader version is 3.0
Shader model 2.0 code path is available.
Shader model 3.0 code path is available.
Using Shader model 3.0 code path because it is the best available path on this hardware.
Attempting 1024 x 768 fullscreen with 32 bpp at 60 hz
Game window successfully created.
Using 4x anti-aliasing
Creating Direct3D device...
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 0
Loading fastfile code_post_gfx
Loading fastfile ui
Loading fastfile common
Initializing render targets...
Requested frame buffer to be 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
DirectX returned a frame buffer that is 24-bit color with 8-bit alpha
Initializing static model cache...
Initializing dynamic buffers...
Initializing particle cloud buffer...
Creating Direct3D queries...
Loading fastfile 'code_post_gfx'
used 1.13 MB memory in DB alloc
Setting initial state...
DirectX reports 128 MB of video memory and 427 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 112 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 1 on most textures, 1 on normal maps, and 1 on specular maps
Waited 136 msec for asset 'shadowcaster' of type 'material'.
Waited 12 msec for asset 'stencilshadow' of type 'material'.
Waited 135 msec for asset 'cinematic' of type 'material'.
Error: Could not load material "water_droplet".
Error: Could not load material "water_dynamic_spray".
------- sound system initialization -------
...during initialization unhandled exception caught
1).在开始,运行窗口里输入dxdiag,打开DirectX诊断工具,然后将DirectX功能全部启用,以启用加速功能.2).右键桌面空白处,点击属性--设置--高级--疑难解答,将硬件加速卡拖到完全那边。还有问题再试试:1.控制面板-声音和音频设备-高级-扬声器设置 选择5.1环场扬声器 2.断开网线....
...during initialization Unhandled exception caught 如何解决...
5.把它停用 2.更换CDkey 论坛顶置贴里有CDkey生产器和替换器,如害怕病毒可以自己手动修改CDkey.CDkey的键值在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Activision\\Call of Duty WAW 双击"codkey" 把生成好的cdkey输入,记的去掉空格,回车即可.3.如果以上方法仍不能解决问题请看下面 进入控制面板 选择"声音和音频...
...错误:Error during initialization : Unhandled exception caught,怎...
1:开始运行游戏就出现错误:Error during initialization:Unhandled exception caught 2:打开[控制面板]→[声音和音频设备]→[音量]标签→[高级]→[性能]标签→[硬件加速]滑动条拉左一格,即:标准加速→[确定] 仍然无法解决问题 3:.我的电脑右键属性 ---硬件-设备管理器 ---.选择声音游戏控制器...
使命召唤5Error during initialization:Unhandled exception caught_百...
大众方法 :c:\\Documents and Settings\\你的用户名\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\Activision\\CoDWaW\\players\\profiles 下的除active.txt以外的文件夹删到只剩一个,然后把那个文件夹命名成你想用的用户名(之前应当设置文件夹选项为“显示隐藏文件”)然后把active.txt打开《记住:改成只读》,清空,填上...
...我玩使命召唤5会说Error during initialization:Unhandled exception...
运行游戏时,出现错误Error during initialization :Unhandled exception caught 首先更新DirectX9.※XP下的解决办法:打开[控制面板]→[声音和音频设备]→[音量]标签→[高级]→[性能]标签→[硬件加速]"自己每个档位都试试"→[确定][attach]1574248[\/attach]如果XP用户上面的办法不行,测试下面的办法:1....
...战争世界出现问题了Error during initialization:Unhandled exception...
使命召唤5不能玩出现Error during initialization Unhandied exception...
1,断网 2,右键 我的电脑 -属性-硬件-设备管理器-禁用那个Unimodem 开头的那个设备 就是在声音 视频和游戏控制器选项里的那个设备就行了 3,还不行就从新下载一个
使命召唤5 Error during initialization: Unhandled exception caught,求...
1. 目测是路径问题 确认游戏路径为全英文路径 2. 推荐使用 游民星空的 < 免安装硬盘版 > 解压即玩儿 3. 一般情况下 DX9 和 C++ 和.NET 等 不会影响安装 但有必要时可以重装 4. 安装时可临时关闭安全防护软件 5. 安装前确认硬盘空间足够 使命5的话 至少要5 \\ 6个G的剩余 希...
使命召唤5打不开还出来Error during initialization:Unhandled exception...