

Nowadays, it has a research, which tells an opinion that the inborn characteristics effecting individual on his personality and development overweigh than the experiences he will have alongside growth. Personally, I am not in favor of this respect.

As a matter of fact, the characteristics that child with when he was born, will make an impact on his childhood even adult life. This influence to his personality and development is initial and primitive; especially to personality, if last generations of a child, who is musicians, it gets a higher chance that the child will have interesting in music than other children, whose parents are doctors or policemen. In other words, in characteristics support the early life of individual.

However, if we consider it from a different perspective, experience is another effective way to shape one’s personality and development. A conversation, an action, a journey, and even thinking, all are experiences to our life; they are also shaping us at any moment. It seems can even rebuild one’s inborn characteristics. Take the tiger in the troupe for example, the tiger has its last generation’s characteristics such as brutal, however, after it went through training and taming, It becomes gentle, even knows how to perform,. Another instance is that a wolf-boy who was passed the human genes, unfortunately, he was fed up by wolves to grow, and then he learnt the habit and life style, which wolf leading. Moreover, the boy mourns and likes eating raw meat as a wolf.

To conclude, I would say that, like a cup of water and sands, cup represents individual’s personality and development, water and sands are response to inborn characteristic and life experiences. Sands poured into the cup like experiences filling individual’s life, as a result ,the water of the cup will increasingly reduce , until instead by sands.

第1个回答  2009-06-13
套句太多 有什么可改的
第2个回答  2009-06-14
第3个回答  2009-06-14
第4个回答  2009-06-16