

1. During his speech, Kobe Bryant expressed his gratitude to the fans, stating, "You guys are wonderful, I've been playing for 20 years, and you've been with me the whole time."
2. He reflected on the journey and shared his feelings, saying, "Tonight is the last time I will put this uniform on, the last time I will step foot on the floor."
3. Continuing in a reflective tone, he mentioned, "We've been through a lot together, you and me. We've laughed, we've cried, we've argued, we've celebrated."
4. He addressed the fans, expressing his appreciation, "I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Without you, none of this would have been possible."
5. In a moment of emotion, he shared, "Tonight, I want to give everything I have left, for you, the fans, and for me."
6. As the speech neared its conclusion, he hinted at his retirement, hinting, "This is where it ends, but it's not the end of everything."
7. Finally, in his signature style, he concluded with a memorable phrase, "And what can I say? Mamba out."

北京时间2016年4月14日,科比退役之战,面对爵士,科比在生涯的最后一战砍下60分,赛后科比离开球场前说了一句“mambar out”,标志着他20年传奇生涯就此落幕,从此江湖再无黑曼巴。 参考资料 科比布莱恩特天生就是一名超级得分手,只要球在他手上,就能够得分。科比一生都要成为最强球员的高傲性格,...

科比谢幕nba 中国球迷难说再见用英语怎样说
It is hard for Chinese fans to say goodbye

他的那个蒙特基督学院的好朋友也得到35分,但胜利者是科比,他在比赛的最后5秒钟,底线突破,篮下一个漂亮的反手上篮使比分定格在98比96,马里昂中学两分险胜。 - 坐在场边的韦斯特直到比赛结束才站起身看了一眼身边的琼斯,轻轻的说“埃迪,我可以和科比谈谈吗?” - “当然可以,我没有说错吧,他是个天才”琼斯兴...

科比同名歌曲kobe bryant中,插的那几句科比说的话是什么?英语,谢谢
ball or not,he has an assassin mentality,I said this weeks,I said this when the trade went down,and I’ll repeat it again,who starvin more, for an NBA World Championship,more than Kobe Bryant,there is no one,this guy is HOLLYWOOD,”What separates Kobe from the pack.”,Mor...

1、All I do is repeat.2、I cant stand a lazy man.3、We have a champion heart.4、My biggest enemy is myself.5、我不能容忍一个懒人。6、我最大的敌人是自己。7、我们有着一颗冠军的心。8、All I do now is to pursue perfection.9、我所做的,只是不停的重复。10、If its easy...

6.“I dont want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant.” “我可不想成为乔丹第二,我只想成为科比-布莱恩特。”7.“I’m playing against great players, playing against the best in the world. The competition - that’s what I’ve always wanted.” “...

1分钟英语演讲短文 加翻译 哦(初一)
he is always playing for the same team. The team is Los Angeles Lakers. Now you know who he is. Yes, the hero is Kobe Bryant.After you know more about him, you will find he is not only a perfect player, but also a man of great honor. Thank you!今天我想介绍一位篮球...

he is always playing for the same team. The team is Los Angeles Lakers. Now you know who he is. Yes, the hero is Kobe Bryant.After you know more about him, you will find he is not only a perfect player, but also a man of great honor. Thank you!今天我想介绍一位篮球...

这两句话看似矛盾,但目的只有一个~就是赢得比赛! “我把每一场球都当作我的最后一场比赛。 “我也把每一场比赛当作是自己的第一场此赛,那会给我很多新鲜的感觉。 “他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的,只会令我更坚强!” “假如没有他们的帮助,也就没有今天的阿伦.艾弗森。他们是我最信任...

求英语作文 科比的
★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ Kobe Bryant, a man who cannot be bent,科比·布莱恩特,一个坚强并且难以屈服的男人,Often hated because of his amazing talent 经常因为他惧人的天赋而被人们所嫉妒,By the end of the day, ...
