在他们旁边的镇上上有一个女孩子叫Barbara Gabler,家里有钱有势,Barbara Gabler也是镇上最漂亮的女孩,自从到教堂听Pachelbel弹的曲子,就爱上了他。很多有钱人上门向Barbara Gabler提亲都被拒绝了,因为Barbara Gabler心里只喜欢Pachelbel。但女孩比较害羞,从小被宠到大的Barbara Gabler一直不敢向Pachelbel表白,后来Barbara Gabler就找了个理由,说要去Pachelbel那里学钢琴,她对Pachelbel说自己热爱音乐,希望可以拜师学艺。Pachelbel很高兴的收下了这个徒弟。
但Barbara Gabler她的目的并不是弹琴,所以几乎不把精力花费在钢琴上,遭到了Pachelbel一再的责骂。Barbara Gabler心里委屈,但还是一直跟Pachelbel,希望Pachelbel能明白自己的心意。终于有一天Pachelbel对Barbara Gabler说:“你走吧,你真的不适合弹钢琴。而且你也不喜欢钢琴。”Barbara Gabler听后,对自己说:“不要说我不行!Pachelbel。我回去一定要好好弹琴,半年后我要拿到本地的钢琴第一名的!” 半年里,Barbara Gabler天天练习,饿了就叫家里的用人送些吃的,困了就趴着睡一会。半年一转眼就过去了,Barbara Gabler参加了比赛,果真的拿了奖。
Barbara Gabler想拿这个奖杯去Pachelbel向他表达自己的爱意Pachelbel已经走了。当时正值战乱,Pachelbel被征去打仗,Barbara Gabler说:“好,我等他回来。”就这样Barbara Gabler等了Pachelbel3年多。
在这期间村长的儿子看上Barbara Gabler ,村长的儿子很清楚Barbara Gabler已经心有所属,就叫人从前线运回来一具碎尸体,说那就是Pachelbel,但没有人可以对证,Barbara Gabler相信Pachelbel真的已经死了,趴在"Pachelbel"的尸体上哭了3天3夜,那时,村长的儿子买了很多的礼物去找Barbara Gabler提亲,Barbara Gabler没有理睬。
在3天后晚上, Barbara Gabler割腕自杀了。
In their next to the town there is a girl named Barbara Gabler, home, rich and powerful, Barbara Gabler is also the most beautiful girl in town, go to church to listen to Pachelbel bombs since the song, they fell in love with him. Barbara Gabler many rich people come to p...
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我最想翻译的是你的心 What I'd like to translate most is your heart
a well-endowed place which has brought forward men of talent.. And the outer perimeter of the Nanjing City Wall is over 60 kilometers. The Nanjing Ming City Wall is not only China's but also the world's largest city wall and it has been on the selected...
Son came again to ask his father. 父亲说:“在木头的一端涂上红糖,然后把线绑在蜜蜂身上,再把蜜蜂放在木孔的另一端,然后儿子按照父亲说的做了。 Father said: "In one end of wood painted brown sugar, then tied bee line, then the bees on the other end of wooden hole, then a...
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the face of the rise of a loved one 这就是事实,生活就是现实 This is the fact that life is the reality 我只是一个普通人 I am just an ordinary person 我没有觉得上天对我不公 I do not think that God unfair to me 因为我还有灵魂 Because I have a soul 本人只有这水平了 ...
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回报)"。3. 含蓄:"从别人那里得到"幸福,转换成英文可以不用表达出来,否则画蛇添足,给人酸酸的味道反而破坏了整体的气氛铺陈和营造。"你不爱我"换个说法"我不是你喜欢的形"。4. 渐进铺陈营造的气氛。写给老中或老外男朋友都很适合喔~,如果是老外的话保证他会很感动~一.一~...
This is a photograph of our village, we live on big mountain, the of big mountain has a small river, the mountain still has green tree red flower, beauty pole.Does the top of hill still have various animal!金山词霸翻译的 ...
ethyl cellulose, polyvinyl alcohol, polypropylene acid, polystyrene, and so on. If we add some magnetic material or functional groups will be able to obtain magnetic microspheres or fluorescent microspheres, such as polymer microspheres. They targeted drug delivery, controlled-release drugs,...
有谁能帮我把这段文字翻译成英文,非常紧急,麻烦大家帮帮忙,谢谢! 答...
shining in the first idea in mind is: I must be more than the fastest sheep runs quickly, otherwise I will starve to death. So, almost at the same time, the sheep and the lion sprang up, running toward the rising sun ... ...The pressure of survival, the sheep into run...
如果在最关键的时刻放弃,以前的努力不都白费了吗?我会一直努力,直到我死的那一天.英译:In this world,there are some places we can never reach,some people we can't get close to,some things we can't perform,some love we can't own and some disabilities we can't remedy.No ...