
某天,无聊九头蛇传销组织老大弄到了个权杖,想把权杖洗洗加强传销,没想到中二富豪大叔带着一帮子开挂兄弟砸场子,抢了权杖。中二大叔高高兴兴拿权杖回家,又是开PT又是搞技术宅,以自己第二思想人工智能为蓝本,勾引小黄毛绿帽王哦不,绿巨人来帮忙,两个开挂的中二技术宅大叔用权杖宝石弄出了个小儿子,哪知道儿子不听话,一出生就到处下种子,还把他哥给弄伤了,又偷偷找传销组两兄妹继续洗脑传销,两兄妹想想,着啊,于是二话没有帮助这叛家的小儿子弄个大计划,分离了中二绿帽哦不绿巨人,让巨人鹰眼队长和寡妇玩4P........ 小儿子不光搞这个,还从非洲一白鬼身上弄到一大堆克虏伯哦不,艾德曼钢,想学宫骑君搞空中之城。小儿子其实喜欢妞,奈何出生木有小丁丁,于是想办法变成人,就偷某韩国开放姐的肉身技术,莫名小白让两铁了心搞传销的兄妹反目,结果陪了丁丁又折了机器人。中二大叔弄到肉身,异想天开要实体化人工智能大儿子,连宝石都拆了。其他人一看,艾玛的搞一个还不够还搞第二个,立马反对拔电源。结果大锤哥二劲爆发一通闪电给充满了值,大哥肉身出现,可惜还是木有小丁丁。兄妹两哆哆嗖告诉中二大叔小儿子想建设空中之城的秘密,大叔大吃一精,尼玛老爹我还住地上你就想开水晶宫!拉上一票兄弟姐妹3P4PNP和关系复杂的传销兄妹上了空中之城,双方一番大打出手,因为又要疏散又要守护雅典娜,大叔方很憋屈,绿帽哦不绿巨人哥到处找他的寡妇,小儿子想监禁培育寡妇奈何他木有小丁丁,寡妇不乐意招来绿巨人,又嫌弃绿巨人绿帽模式太小,直接引诱变大,一通海砸,于是双方昏天黑地日月无光,整个天空之城被轰炸得比斯大林格勒还格勒。当然最后是大人战胜小孩,爸爸打了儿子,另外哥哥教育弟弟。天空之城被放了大烟花,绿帽哦不绿巨人觉得寡妇被调教了几天肯定不干净,于是直接甩了她,于是危机解除了,于是中二继续做实验,于是我们等待下一部了。


The 2: the story of the era of the Austrian Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jri Downey Jr. Robert decorated) attempted to restart an abandoned peacekeeping projects, and behold, the project has become a crisis fuse. One of the world's most powerful superhero, iron man, Captain America...

Be a veteran in battle of the super heroes created occupation burnout, have unloaded steel armor Tony Stark therefore invented the Olympic record the robot of artificial intelligence -- have self-awareness, learning ability, and the command responsibility to robot Legion Olympic record. M...

it may be because the past two years we have seen enough of such a theme. But in the narrative, theme and the overall sense of tension have a very uniform succession and play a more special. It is in ensuring the continuity and integrity of the premise also to ferret out e...

2. 在战斗过程中,复仇者联盟遭遇了两个变种人的阻挠。尽管如此,他们还是成功夺回了权杖。然而,钢铁侠在此次行动中被猩红女巫的幻术所迷惑,激发了他内心的恐惧,进而促使他产生了创造更强大的机器人战队以维护和平的想法。3. 在雷神打算将权杖带回自己星球的几日前,他决定和复仇者联盟的队友们狂欢一...

如下:Although the film has made a certain degree of discussion on freedom and belief in the humanities, it is very shallow and can even be regarded as a brush.After all, the director should fully ensure that the audience's thinking can keep up with the rhythm of the film and...

Then the S.H.I.E.L.D got all the supper heroes together and made a team named the Avengers to fight against Loki and war together for peace.That it works and it’s as satisfying a tent-pole movie as you could hope for, is something close to a miracle.满意请采纳哦!


A Special Mention goes Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark, Mark Ruffalo as Bruce Banner and Tom Hiddleston as Loki, the Norse god and Thor's brother. The latter is a successful incentive for the film, the fun of seeing him interact on screen is matched only by his great ...

Thor, known as Donar in Germanic regions, is a deity in ancient Norse mythology responsible for war and agriculture. His duties include safeguarding the safety of the gods' realm and inspecting human agriculture. The Nordic people believed that whenever there was a thunderstorm, it was...
