1 我有很多的偶像
2 我会说一些基本的韩语
3 我的初中也是这所中学,所以感到很亲切。
4 我以前的班级是3班,班主任是现在5办的老师Mr.Zhang。我和同学关系很好,也希望和大家成为朋友。
谢谢各位了 要准确 不要机器翻 谢谢
谢谢的英文为"Thank you"。谢谢的翻译也是"Thank you"。在英语中,"Thank you"是非常常用的礼貌用语,用来表达感激之情。无论是小事情还是大事情,只要是对他人表示感激,都可以使用"Thank you"。这句话的使用非常广泛,已经成为了国际交流的通用语言。用英语翻译“谢谢”时,可以直接使用&...
Thank you for your appreciation, please leave me good feedback. If you buy 5 bags, I will send one to you free, hope we continue cooperation! Letter that expected. Thanks!
Thanks.( 最简单的)Thank you.(最常用的)Thanks a lot.(比较郑重的)Thank you very much.(比较动情的)Many thanks.(不胜感激,比较口语的)I don't know how to express my thanks to you.(比较书面的)No words can express my thanks to you.(比较书面的)thank 一、音标:英 [θ...
Thanks for your understanding.
I'm sorry for answering you so late 原因是我每个星期只能上一次网.because I can only surf the Internet once a week.今天学校放了四天假,我很高兴,因为我有足够的时间和你保持联系 Now, I have a four-day rest. I'm so glad because I have enough time to keep in touch with ...
1 to October 7 is our holiday, during which all freight companies are not to go to work normally , it is not possible to send them in a timely manner. But do not worry, I will send them right away, and then give You have a follow-up information. Sorry! Thanks!
Thank you for your letter. While you give the price is not high, but I am willing to accept, I think we can be a long time co-operation! As soon as possible to buy them, and I will send you a few necklace as a gift, and look forward to your letter!
请帮我把“感谢 ”翻译成各国语言版
英文:thanks 中文:谢谢 日语:ありがとうございます、ありがとう、どうも 韩语:감사합니다(卡目沙哈米大)法语:Merci、Merci beaucoup(非常感谢)、Je vous remercie(我谢谢您)、Je te remercie(我 谢谢你)德语:Danke!(谢谢!) Danke sehr!(...
Thank you for your letter, addressed to you at this price is too low, because you only ordered the 3 pairs of boots, so I will be running at a loss. If you continue to buy 10 pairs of boots, I will give you a free pair of boots . I hope you can understand! Thank ...
fixed supplementary chips is 3333.3.开始游戏。The game begins.4.输光了。Lost all the money 5.应该补充的筹码是3333,现系统却补充4000。The amount of chips should be supplemented is 3333, but now the system gives out 4000.6.请看图片。Please refer to the photos.【英语牛人团】...