曲名叫:I'll be there for you ...下载地址是:http:\/\/www.3gwindows.com\/happy\/mp3\/Illbethereforyou.mp3 歌词:I guess this time you'''re really leaving I heard your suitcase say goodbye And as my broken heart lies bleeding You say true love in suicide You say you'''re crie...
谁知道 篮球部落里 那张唱片的英文歌是什么名字?
曲名叫:I'll be there for you ...下载地址是:http:\/\/www.3gwindows.com\/happy\/mp3\/Illbethereforyou.mp3 至于歌词本人实在是找不到
谁知道篮球部落里 那张唱片的英文歌是什么名字?
应该是I'll Be there For you
网上流传它的名字叫<I'll be there for you > 歌词: Look how far we've come on a journey Look how strong we are now Together we can make it baby Feeling so safe in a valve Now we know that dream's come true I wish it has been blended You love me and I love you Th...
名字叫:I'll be there for you http:\/\/www.mtv516.com\/music\/83746.html 参考资料:网上查的
篮球部落英文插曲I will be there for you I guess this time you'''re really leaving I heard your suitcase say goodbye And as my broken heart lies bleeding You say true love in suicide You say you'''re cried a thousand rivers And now you'''re swimming for the shore You lef...
求《篮球部落》插曲I'll be there for you的完整版