One of the curious things about The Old Man and the Sea was the sense of awe that it created in its author,its publisher,and its readers."Don't you think it is a stranger damn story that it should affect all of us the way it does?"wrote Hemingway to one of Life's editors.And Scribner's dust jacket responded like a good Greek chorus,"One cannot hope to explain why the reading of this book is so profound an experience."
There has always been a certain mystery about Hemingway's effects in his best writing.From In Our Time ,with its puzzling "chapters"connecting the stories,through For Whom the Bell Tolls,with its oddly equivocal interpretation of the Spanish civil war,his best has evoked a somewhat doubtful sound from critics who nevertheless were at pains to recommend. Something,it was felt ,was being missed,or if not missed ,then sensed too vaguely for critical description. A Farewell to Arms,declared Edward Hope in the New York Herald Tribune,was "one of those things-like the Grand Canyon-that one doesn't care to talk about "Despite such reverent throwing up of hands by early critics many things were aptly observed;but the emphasis was heavily on Hemingway the realist,whose bright fidelity to the perceptible surfaces of life was accomplished through living dialogue and a prose finely engineered to the accurate rendering of sensuous experience.And the brilliance of his reflected surface together with the roughness of the things he preferred to write about-fishing,hunting,skiing bullfighting,boxing horse-racing,and war-perhaps made it difficult to see one of the cardinal facts about Hemingway:that essentially he is a philosophical forms,has consistently been to set man against the background of his world and universe,to examine the human situation from various points of view.
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请帮我翻译成韩语 !!! 不要用翻译机!! 谢谢了!!!^&^ 很急用~~~
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