U校园 新视野大学英语2(第三版)读写教程 答案 Unit 2 College- The ladder tosuccess


第1个回答  2024-08-19
Unit 2 College -The ladder to success?

Section A

2-2 Text A: The humanities: Out of date?

Pre-reading activities

Pre-reading activities-1

1) C

2) B

3) A

4) B

5) C

Pre-reading activities-2

1) Yes, because we took many liberal arts courses in addition to science courses.

No, because our high school laid more emphasis on sciences and we often competed with other schools in sciences such as math and physics.

2) History classes usually require a lot of writing with critical thinking.

Reading extensively in history classes helped the speaker write better.

3) Learned how to communicate with my teachers and classmates.

Improved my critical thinking and analytical skills.

Boosted my confidence in dealing with difficulties and challenges.

Reading comprehension

Reading comprehension-1

1) Because English or history majors are considered less competitive when the job market is shrinking, and they have to study something that can help them more easily locate their future jobs.

2) Because as the tuition is climbing higher and higher, many students have run away from studying the humanities and toward "hard" skills that they think will lead to employment.

3) Since more students are now taking job-oriented courses, libraries, where students of liberal arts used to study, are getting less popular than before; in contrast, labs are getting more eye-catching because students of science and engineering do experiments and research there.

4) Because this inner drive that can be either constructive or destructive is so mysterious and powerful that it has attracted many people to speculate on it. From ancient times, these men and women developed artistic "languages" in the form of story, music, myth, painting, architecture, sculpture, landscape and traditions, which form the very foundation of civilization.

5) Studying the humanities improves your ability to read and write, makes you familiar with the language of emotion and the creative process, and, more importantly, provides you with a wide scope of possibilities that are open to you.

6) Because in modern life, an ideal capacity for establishing one's career is to have both technical knowledge and inner insight, not just one without the other.

7) "Well-rounded human beings" are those who have insight and understand the passions, hopes and dreams common to all humanity.

8) Since many people who once studied the humanities became famous in their career, the author implies that if students spend more time studying the humanities, they could surely become successful in the future as well.

Reading comprehension-2

1) Gain more insight in life and society.

Better understand and predict human behavior.

Realize different interpretations of life and history.

Understand the past which has created the present.

Be aware of cultural and religious differences.

2) Help read and write better.

Broaden their horizons.

Become more well-rounded.

Become a better communicator.

Develop critical thinking skills.

Have more flexibility for the future career.

3) Personal interest.

Special talents.

Future job prospects.

Financial status.

Family advice.

Friends influence.

Social environment.

4) Better job opportunities.

More practical skills.

Highly-paid jobs.

5) Yes, it invests students with great insight.

Yes, it helps students be better-rounded.

Yes, it provides students with flexibility to change their careers.

No, it doesn't satisfy students' needs for their future careers.

No, colleges are experiencing deep budget cuts and need to prioritize their financial resources.

No, the society needs more skills, not literature.

2-3 Text A: Language focus

Words in use

1. promotes

2. accelerate

3. mystery

4. insight

5. boost

6. analysis

7. calculate

8. barriers

9. destruction

10. prospect

Word building: Practice

Word building: Practice-1

1) promising

2) bearing

3) housing

4) objective

5) offend

6) exclude

7) excess

8) execute

9) intensify

10) identity

Word building: Practice-2

1. excess

2. bearing

3. objective

4. intensify

5. execute

6. promising

7. exclude

8. identity

9. offend

10. housing

Banked cloze

1) insight

2) education

3) boost

4) mystery

5) prospect

6) promote

7) invest

8) appreciation

9) affected

10) speculate

Expressions in use

1) are liable to

2) in favor of

3) is bound to

4) speculate about

5) invested

6) with

7) stand up for

8) in the form of

9) prepared for

10) in the company of

11) in succession

2-4 Structure analysis & writing

Structured writing: Practice

1) Did you have such an experience as when your high-school physical education (P.E.) teacher pushed you to run for several miles around the sports field in a P.E. class? When you were sweating and out of breath, did you ever wish that you could only stop taking a P.E. class in college? However, taking P.E. courses can be advantageous to all college students.

First, taking P.E. classes helps students learn valuable communication and teamwork skills. There are many activities that require students to communicate and interact with each other when they are having a P.E. class. For example, when one group competes with the other in playing basketball, group cooperation is extremely important in order to win. Effective teamwork usually requires good communication skills.

Another advantage is that taking P.E. classes enables students to more effectively handle their heavy coursework. Not infrequently, students sleep in class and miss important information. Not concentrating in class may be caused by insufficient sleep and no exercise. Through taking P.E. courses, students build up their health. Only when students stay healthy can they learn better.

To sum up, taking a P.E. course at college can benefit students in developing useful social skills as well as better coping skills for their stress at school. Therefore, P.E. courses bring students advantages both physically and academically.

...答案 Unit 2 College- The ladder tosuccess
1) Because English or history majors are considered less competitive when the job market is shrinking, and they have to study something that can help them more easily locate their future jobs.2) Because as the tuition is climbing higher and higher, many students have run away from...

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