

The Mom Song/妈妈之歌
Get up now. Get up now. Get up out of bed. 起床了,起床了,现在就起床。
Wash your face. Brush your teeth. Comb your sleepy head. 洗脸,刷牙,梳头。
Heres your clothes and your shoes. 这是你的衣服和鞋。
Hear the words I said. 听话,
Get up now. Get up and make your bed. 起床了, 叠被。
Are you hot? Are you cold? Are you wearing that? 你热吗?你冷吗?你要穿那件?
Wheres your books and your lunch and your homework at? 你的书和午餐和功课在哪里?
Grab your coat and your gloves and your scarf and hat. 拿你的外套、手套、围巾和帽子。
Dont forget. You gotta feed the cat. 别忘了喂猫。
Eat your breakfast. 要吃早餐,
The experts tell us its the most important meal of all! 专家说早餐是最重要的一餐!
Take your vitamins so you will grow up one day to be big and tall. 吃维他命你才会长得高。
Pleast remember the orthodontist will be seeing you at 3 today. 请记得你今天三点要看矫牙医师,
Dont forget your piano lesson is this afternoon so you must play. 不要忘了今天下午有钢琴课,好好弹,
Dont shovel. Chew slowly. But hurry. This bus is here. 不要狼吞虎咽,慢慢嚼,快点吃,校车要来了。
Be careful.小心。
Come back here. 过来。
Did you wash behind your ears? 你洗了耳朵后面吗?
Play outside. 在外面玩儿。
Dont be rough. 别打架。
Would you just play fair? 好好玩儿。
Be polite. Make a friend. 有礼貌,交朋友,
Dont forget to share. 要学会分享。
Work it out. Wait your turn. 想办法,等换你玩,
Never take a dare. 不要被挑衅
Get along. Dont make me come down there. 和睦相处,别给我找麻烦。
Clean your room. Fold your clothes. Put your stuff away. 打扫你的房间,叠好你的衣服,收拾好你的东西。
Make your bed. Do it now. 把床整好,赶快。
Do we have all day? 我们整天有空吗?
Were you born in a barn? 你生在谷仓吗?
Would you like some hay? 你要乾草吗?
Can you even hear a word I say? 你能听到我说的一个字吗?
Answer the phone. Get off the line. 接电话,别上网了,
Dont sit so close. Turn it down. (看电视)别坐这麼近,关小声,
No texting at the table. 吃饭不准发短信。
No more computer time tonight. 今晚不准玩儿电脑
Your iPods my iPod if you dont listen up. 在不听话iPod没收,
Where are you going? And with whom? 你要去哪?和谁去?
And what time do you think youre coming home? 你想要什麼时候回来?
Saying Thank you, Please, Excuse me makes you welcome everywhere you roam. 说谢谢、请、对不起让你去到哪儿都受欢迎。
Youll appreciate my wisdom someday when youre older and youre grow
第1个回答  2015-04-27
I love you追答





you are a good mother


第2个回答  2015-04-27
thank mom for giving my life追问



being simple is not settling for less,it is being satisfied with having just enough
having enough is not longing for more,it is being with having you by my side
