时尚带给我们什么 用英语回答
Basic overview fashion "Fashion" this word now is already very popular, English for fashion, is almost always hang in some people mouth, frequent in newspaper, the media. Pursuit vogue cronyisma nd seems to have. But fashion what??? Fashion is in a particular time in trying to...
时尚对我们的影响 英语作文 急急急急急
Fashion brings a colarful life. Fashion contains clothes, jewelry, cosmetics and so on. It influence people to have cost on that, purticular in young people's world.When I was studied in junior high school, I started to follow fashion in dressing. I buy new clothes one or t...
16、时尚就是一道美丽的风景线,带给人们更多快乐,以美不胜收的状态让人慢慢熟知。Fashion is a beautiful sight, bringing people more joy and becoming gradually known for its delightful state.17、时尚者,时代风尚之谓也。时尚抵御平庸,时尚驱逐保守,时尚拒绝一成不变。Fashion refers to the ...
“时尚”这个词现在已是很流行的了,英文为fashion,该词来源于拉丁文“facio or factio”,意思是“making or doing”(制造的或人为的),是对一种外表行为模式的崇尚方式.\\x05 "Fashion" this word now is already very popular,English for fashion,this word comes from the Latin word "facio or...
(1)、时尚,源自“fashion”,是个地地道道的舶来品,从古至今,时尚一直流行于世。它存于每个人的生活,它挂在众人的嘴边,我们甚至可以说,时尚,影响着每个人以及他们生活的方方面面。(2)、时髦,源自陶行知 《普及现代生活教育之路·攻破实验关》:“实验这两个字于今是时髦极了。”何其芳 ...
1. 时尚,是意识的蔓延,是思潮的扩张,它总在有意和无意间引领你的行动。2. 时尚如同七彩屏,转瞬间,就变成了它的色彩。3. 人们所谓的时尚,就是跟随潮流,走在时代前列。4. 在追求时尚的同时,自己也就更时尚了。5. 时尚,是跳动的生命,是精神的欲望,它总是在不经意间拔动你的心弦。6....
Fashion not only refers to the objectives such as the clothing and the decoration alike ,but also can be some concepts or actions of environmental p rotection. for example, bicycle sharing pattern is a fashion today, just because people have realized its significance of bike-sharing...
However,light blue is the best colour of the jean.They are long and tight.Maybe they are made of leather or cotton.They are very smart.I think the jumper is made of cotton.It is a little big,so it is good for us to do some sports.I like white.Because it is clean and...