

This is the second one this month about bucket (IBC) leaked on the container of customer complaints, resulting in leakage (leakage) causes like last time, because the top T bucket without reinforcement measures, because there is no strapping tape binding to fixed, resulting in leakage during the transportation of.

This is the last container failed to implement protective measures, from the July 13th shipment, we begin to take action, warehouse staff have to tie the top T bucket strapping tape after loading, strapping will withhold plastic bucket is good, not easy to touch pressure and damage in transit. For the accident we regret and apologize to your company, I hope your company to feedback a improved container receipt, so that we can improve and do better.

This is the second one this month about bucket (IBC) leaked on the container of customer complaints, resulting in leakage (leakage) causes like last time, because the top T bucket without reinforcement measures, because there is no strapping tape binding to fixed, resulting in leak...

IBC桶在集装箱内装载说明什么?1. 在集装箱中装载复合中型散装容器(吨桶)务请执行《国际海运危险货物规则》补充本《货物运输组件装载指南》的各项规定。2. 吨桶是一种适应于集装箱装载的包装容器。从容器的尺寸来看,它能zui大程度地利用集装箱的空间。它自带了托盘,可以在集装箱里面用叉车装卸...
