

stop,stupid,school,study,student,street,soap,soup s开头的单词太多了,先给你这些吧
第1个回答  2014-01-16
o cause to stop for a period of time
swallow - v. to take into the stomach through the mouth
swear in - v. to put an official into office by having him or her promise to carry out the duties of that office ("The chief justice will swear in the president.")
sweet - ad. tasting pleasant, like sugar
swim - v. to move through water by making motions with the arms and legs
sympathy - n. a sharing of feelings or emotions with another person, usually feelings of sadness
system - n. a method of organizing or doing something by following rules or a plan; a group of connected things or parts working together for a common purpose or goal 该文章转载自无忧考网: http://www.51test.net
第2个回答  2014-01-16
第3个回答  2014-01-16
商店shop绵羊sheep轮船ship鞋shoe袜子socks围巾scarf短裙skirt肩膀shoulder五角星star正方形square街道street学校school大海sea看见see姐姐sister七seven六six沙发sofa香肠sausage三明治sandwich蜘蛛spider衬衫shirt短裤shorts毛衣sweater转笔刀sharpener 太阳 sun 儿子 son慢siow 站立 stand睡觉sieep游泳swim滑冰skate唱歌sing品尝smell晚餐supper

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