

天亮了,我打开冰箱把我心爱的云朵取出来,它已经变成了一个“云朵冰棍”,看上去真好吃,我拿去给妈妈看,妈妈说什么也要把它给做成面包吃,还找借口说我胃不好,不能吃凉的,其实我胃真不怎么好,不过我好想吃冰棍啊!这时,“大救星”弟弟来了,看到“云朵冰棍”缠着妈妈说:“这云朵冰棍看上去很妈吃,让我们品尝品尝吧”。最终2比1,我们赢了,妈妈就把那好吃的冰棍给我们吃了,嘴里还叨咕着说:“吃了以后,谁也不许喊肚子疼呀。”最后,妈妈将冻成冰的云朵冰棍一分为二,一半冰棍给我们吃了,另一半妈妈做成了云朵面包,准备给你们当早餐。妈妈把云朵面包摆放到桌子上,说玩一会,记得吃早餐,然后去上学,别迟到了。我和弟弟拿说云朵冰棍吃了起来。咦?我的身子怎么飞起来了,?不过也好,可以在家好好玩玩了,正当我们玩的不亦乐乎时,根本忘了看表,忽然听到有个声音说:“你们还玩呀, 都几点了。”我顺着声音找去,呀,原来是云朵面包在说话,我马上看了看表,哇!已经快8点了,今天我还要上学呢,怎么办呀,来不及了,这时,云朵面包又说话了,说:你们快点把我吃了,我能上你们马上到学校。”我二话不说,拿起云朵面包就咬了一口,突然,我像火箭一样,嗖一的下,飞到了学校,急急忙忙进了教室。还好没有迟到,吓死我了。我一下睁开了眼睛,原来妈妈在叫我:“快8点了,再不起床就迟到了。做什么梦呢?怎么叫这么半天都叫不醒。”我马上抬头看表,呀,真的,都7点了,马上起床穿衣服,简单吃了两口桌上的面包,急急忙忙的出门上学去了。
第1个回答  2016-01-09



We are now living in an information age, in which TV, cells and the Web are widely used. It seems that many people cannot enjoy themselves without them.However, if I had to give up one of them, I would turn off the TV rather than switch off my cell or cut off the Int...

放下手机 Put Down Smart Phone With the development of technology, today we live in the world with high technology. People seem to can’t live without computer and smart phone, once they don’t have smart phone at hand for a while, the seem to be lost and feel so...

but it interrupts people around them who have to hear what they don’t care when they want to concentrate on what they’re doing.So if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion. It’s a respect for both oth...

求一篇关掉手机 英语作文
people can, any time, contact friends, talk to families and send blessing SMS to the beloved person. However, except enjoying so many convineiences, cell phone also has some negative effects on us. Radiation generated by cell phone is harmful to healthy; ...

Twenty-first Century is a competitive information age. The Internet by its rich content, the open field of vision, quick way, has given us a brand new world of beautiful and wonderful, make people remain within doors can understand the first time events at home and abroad, to ...

In a lot of homes today, family time means sitting in the same room with each other while everyone is on their own separate devices. I know my family has been guilty of this many times. This may be a nice way to spend time together while still doing what we want, but it...

Some people are limited because of work, we need to answer the phone at any time, otherwise there is danger in the workplace "marginalization". Whether intentionally or unintentionally, if you are to be bound by the phone, you might find some reason to drop it.Away from the ...

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I have to say TV. Simply because I don't really spend my time watching . I can still know what's going on by surfing on the internet.

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