
典范英语7的第7本 送错的信,第8本 危险的运动鞋,第9本 不走运的怪物,第10本 精灵简姆斯通撞击事件都说的啥啊,跪求英文梗概,有第11,12本的话更好,字数不要太多,写的好的话我把全部的分都追加

Flossie and Nessie the Loch Ness monster is two, Nessie is a celebrity, a lot of people want her on their newspapers, many people want to take her picture, and Flossie was not so lucky, it wants to be noticed, to be wantonly rendering, and people did not always find it, Flossie very lonely, it is looking for a really good friend, but Nessie said that we can not have friends, no one likes us, Flossie did not give up, he asked the animals, but they do not willing, even in front of people, people just scared off or does not believe it's there, but he saw a spectacle and fell into the water to pick up a girl, it saved her, then they became good friends, but the most girls and others when playing, he disguised as something else, but only friends can see him, Flossie found a true friend
不走运的怪物 以上
That is the story of the protagonist to watch sports shoes. In the evening he was sleepy and then fell asleep, and then jump directly to the sports shoes started to move, the story of the protagonist followed them down to the garden. There is a moth fly over at this time, the story of the protagonist sees a sports shoe laces a bomb, the moths into the shoes inside to eat. Then is the description of sports shoes how predation a beetle, an earthworm. Later, little mouse climbed out, the story of the protagonist shouted the little mouse fled, after never.
危险的运动鞋 以上
Flo Jones and satin Jones has the same name, but their personalities and hobbies are totally different. Flo like football, satin like horseback riding, one day the postman's eyes are bad, so the mistake happened like this. They went to the summer camp with each other, have won the trophy, they think these are in fact quite good fun. They met on the way home, and do a good friend.
送错的信 以上
classmate pearl in a flying carpet race,he ends up accidentally turning his teacher into a spider! The spider runs under pearl’s cupboard and when it is moved a stolen test paper is found proving that pearl is a cheat

This is a very interesting story . Jem is very kind and brave and honest. on the other hand. pearl is very unfriendly and self-centered and she is also dishonest. This story tells us Honesty is a very important thing and we should be kind to the people around us
精灵简姆斯通撞击事件 以上



一、典范英语7第7本来自奥姆的蒙面清洁女工故事梗概 The castle was dirty, nobody wants to clean up. King Harry says he can do housework with two colonels. But the queen is not allowed. She said such loses face, the emperor should go hunting dragons. Then she went on a journey...

典范英语七共有18本著作,以下是书名的详细介绍:《海象参加表演》:讲述了一个海象在动物表演中的经历,它虽然笨拙但最后成为了马戏团的欢乐角色。 《吵闹的邻居》:故事围绕吝啬的Flinch先生和他的邻居之间的趣事,展现了邻里关系的复杂与温馨。 《皮皮公主的假期》:讲述皮皮公主在旅行中与新朋友的...


典范英语7 坦白的梗概
就是Derek 和 Janey把老师的裤子弄上了颜料,就想带回家洗,可没想到却把胶水当成了洗衣粉,就打算拿到干洗店去洗,却忘在了公交车上。不得已向老师坦白,刚要说,厨房就着火了,老师就把他的衣服盖住了大火。这下都脏了,老师要再去买,Derek 和 Janey建议他买绿色的。

典范英语7的Amy the hedgehog girl的故事的整本翻译 拜托了
《典范英语》(7)第1本 艾米,刺猬女孩 回到家来,艾米给妈妈讲学校的事情.“一位女士给我们做了一个关于野生动物的演讲,还给我们展示了一只刺猬.我要成为一个刺猬专家.”艾米说.妈妈让艾米上图书馆去找有关刺猬的书.然后艾米便去了.她不想见到派克先生,因为派克先生是个小气的吝啬鬼.艾米不喜欢他...

典范英语七总共为18册,全部书名为:1、《Walrus Joins In 海象参加表演》2、《Noisy Neighbours 吵闹的邻居 》3、《Princess Pip’s Holiday 皮皮公主的假期》4、《Oh, Otto! 哦,奥托!》5、《Captain Comet and the Purple Planet 科密特船长与紫色星球 》6、《...

典范英语7第一本概括 <Amy The Hedgehog Girl>This book is about the little girl Amy wanted to be a hedgehog expert. She went to the library to borrow a book and a tape. And Amy learned to talk with the hedgehog.Amy found hedgehogs in Mr. Peck’s garden. But Mr. Peck ...

