

As well as joins World Trade Organization after our country economy's rapid development, each kind of commercial activity is day by day frequent. As well as joins World Trade Organization after our country economy's rapid development, each kind of commercial activity is day by day frequent. In and in each kind of enterprise's frequent contact, the commercial negotiations are the essential link. In and in each kind of enterprise's frequent contact, the commercial negotiations are the essential link. Present paper from commercial negotiations invisible language, tries to analyze the language skill in the negotiations function. Present paper from commercial negotiations invisible language, tries to analyze the language skill in the negotiations function. But language art just likes a bridge in the commercial negotiations, holds the important position, it has often decided the negotiations success or failure. But language art just likes a bridge in the commercial negotiations, holds the important position, it has often decided the negotiations success or failure. Finally through the discussion analysis, obtains in the commercial negotiations the language speech skill and art and is playing the pivotal role finally regarding the negotiations advancement, is also both sides reaches the agreement the key to be. Finally through the discussion analysis, obtains in the commercial negotiations the language speech skill and art and is playing the pivotal role finally regarding the negotiations advancement, is also both sides reaches the agreement the key to be. 我找我朋友帮你翻译的 ,她是英语专业 人家随即就给你直接打出来了哦 希望对你有用。
第1个回答  2010-05-13
With the rapid economic development, and especially after China became a member state in the World Trade Organization, there is a dramatic increase in business between China and other countries. In these business and commercial activities of various kinds with a multitude of business firms and enterprises, business negotiation becomes more and more indispensable.

This paper focuses on the language used in business, exploring the role played by techniques of language use in negotiations. The art of language use in business and commercial activities serves as a bridge in helping establish relationships between different parties, which is so important that it, under many circumstances, leads to the success or failure of a business negotiation or interaction. Based on the analysis and discussion, a conclusion is drawn that the speech technique and linguistic strategy affect the course of development of a negotiation, and determines the final outcome, playing a crucial and a key role in the agreement made by the two parties.

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