博弈论为一种用数学工具分析竞争策略的理论,现在日益为企业战略决策者所青睐,帮助他们分析竞争对手可能做出的反应,以检验其策略是否奏效。博弈论可追溯到2500年前中国军事家孙子所著的《孙子兵法》。在上世纪40年代,数学家约翰·冯·诺依曼(John von Neumann)和奥斯卡·摩根斯坦(Oskar Morgenstern)将这一方法运用到经济学理论中。到了上世纪70年代,博弈论逐渐进入学术界主流。当时,著名的经济学家托马斯·谢林(Thomas Schelling)和罗伯特·奥曼(Robert Aumann)运用它来研究逆向选择和信息不对称问题(两人在2005年因为其研究获得了诺贝尔奖)。
博弈论包罗万象,但大多数公司都选择比较简单的模式,帮助管理者将关注点集中在竞争心态上。“一旦涉及复杂的推理,博弈论就可能变得过于专业而难以运用,”在沃顿商学院讲授博弈论的教授路易斯·托马斯(Louis Thomas)说,“关键在于返璞归真。”比如,讲授博弈论通常会引用一个 “囚徒困境” 的例子,描述了囚犯个人的理性选择如何决定两人的命运.
Whether the sun rises above Chendu or not,warmth will always be here. No one can give you a fixed daily light,and if you want to grow healthily,you have to learn to plant a sunflower in your heart.Then it will guide you to your little sun, no confusion, no fear,and...
3,求高手把下面日文翻译成中文,要求不要用翻译软件翻译,句子通顺。万 ...
the net swim medium the violence, color feeling, an etc. contents is quite a few, educating to the teenager, social public order etc. produced many bad influence, violence game of cool love network of teenager,
Good morning,Today it's my honour to stand here to welcome friends from Denmark on behalf of BUPTSSE .My teammates and I will accompany you throughout the trip ,and I wholeheartedly wish you a unforgettable day in our campus .During the trip ,you can turn to us for help ...
different countires have different ideas and insights. It's most necessary to reach a mutual understanding by communication and exchange.But unfortunately I have not yet been in such a good environment. Making friends with people from many countries is one of my ideals. Besides English...
has downgraded, I used to be good at it, but I have a good basis and my major in university is educational English. I believe I can have a big breakthrough within a short time.Hope you can give me an opportunity, I will do it with flying colors.希望可以帮助到你 ...
近两千单词,做起来太熬人,先翻译了四分之一多一点,帮你解决暂时的燃眉之急。明天有时间的话接着再翻译。Logic and Intuition The road to transcendence is traveled via intuitive thinking, which may also be called nonlinear or nondeterministic thinking. Whereas deterministic thinking proceeds ...
英文简历自我介绍 翻译成英文的~ 最好别用翻译软件整句翻译,我发现翻 ...
I mojored in secretary in university. I hold the position of both commissary in my class and departmental chief in our student union in charge of organization, which is a responsibility rather than a honor.我负责的很多,主要有沟通各部部长分歧、协调部员之间矛盾、策划各类文艺活动、...
帮我把下面一段话的中文翻译成英文 不要机器翻译 谢谢
It is rumoured that the costumer that the british breakfast is in abundance comes from when they were poor, eating so much food in order to work in the field.They ate briefly for the lunch, and ate much more for the dinner. The rich don't need to work, so they can ...