

第1个回答  2023-01-01

1、Today is the children's day. It is a holiday for all children, and is also the first "61" children's day since I became a primary school student.


2、I spent this happy festival with my teachers and classmates. The teacher specially prepared a variety of activities for us, including sticking nose, bowling, fishing for the moon in the water, blasting balloons and so on.


3、Time flies like a shuttle. Once a year the flight of time children's Day is coming.


4、Due to the one-day holiday on June 1, our school arranged a garden tour on Tuesday. There are many interesting games, such as table tennis, checkers, water bottle and so on!


5、This year's June 1 children's Day is really happy! I wish it was June 1 every day!


1、Today is the children's day. It is a holiday for all children, and is also the first "61" children's day since I became a primary school student.今天是六一儿童节,是所有小朋友们的节日,也是我成为小学生以后的第一个“六一”儿童节。2、I spent this happy festival with my ...

Four children make a conversation about Children's Day. Here are there conversation.Zhang: Li, what will you do in Children's Day?Li: I will stay at home and play computer games. What about you, Zhang?Zhang: I will go swimming with my dad.Wang: Will I go with you, Zhan...

a: Let's play hide and seek.B and C: OK, OK.After a while, a couldn't find them, so B and C came out and laughed at a for not finding them.a: Where are you hiding? I can't find it.b: I hid under the park chair.c: I hid under the biggest tree in the pa...

Switzerland in 1925. It is not clear as to why June 1 was chosen as the ICD: one theory has it that the Chinese consul-general in San Francisco (USA) gathered a number of Chinese orphans to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival in 1925, ...

9:上初一的时候,英语老师让我们读课文,恰好是一段对话,于是叫了一男一女两个同学来读。男:What time is it now?女:It’s nine.男:Let’s go to bed.女:We go to bed at nine.全班绝倒。10:一次为一个初中小孩搞家教,在其英语课本上发现如下恐怖字眼:爸死(bus)爷死( yes )...

小艾:游——刃——有——鱼?!鱼……鱼,鱼在水里游,游刃有鱼…… 老师:(笑了)恭喜你,获得了—— 小艾:过了? 老师:(冷漠)第六次重修的机会。(下) 小玲、小伍:算了,快来研究高数小草吧。 老师进来。 小伍:哲学老师! 老师:小伍! 小伍:有! 老师:看看你的卷纸! 我的问题是:这就是问题,请作答。

flowers company, the earth under the care, the natural upward grow sturdily, natural to grow happily, grow up naturally.六一将至,又是孩子们欢聚的时刻,这个美好的节日,充满了孩子们对快乐的渴望,充满了孩子们对未来的向往,充满了孩子们对生活的期望。这些个盼望,在以后都将会一一实现,快乐...

1:是那么幸福,5我的六一,2:是那么激动,5我的六一,2:我宣布首钢矿业二中“庆祝六一国际儿童节——明天会更好文艺演出”现在开始!一、——《军中姐妹》二、——《健康歌》、《找朋友》3:当兵曾经是我们每个人都有过的梦想,4:军人是的神圣与荣耀的象征 3:我相信军人的飒爽...

六一要表演一个小品。我们小组有6个人。一女五男。然后希望要搞笑点的。我希望是不用背台词的。 15 比如:老师和学生的对话。学生把书摊开照着念。老师也是把书打开照着念。恩。班上已经有人要表演小玲小艾那个,还有一个表演的是老师和学生说反义词的那个。我希望尽量不重复。不是老... 比如:老师和学生的...

欢迎大家参加文澜江中心学校首届英语口语大赛。值此“六一” 儿童 节到来之际,我们祝同学们节日快乐! 符正勉:First of all, let’s welcome our headmaster Mr -u to have the opening remarks for this contest. 孙晓飞:首先,让我们用热烈的掌声有请我们的许校长为本次英语口语大赛致开幕词,大家掌声有请!
