本回答被提问者和网友采纳请用英语简述电脑的发展史,120词左右,最后要翻译 ,谢谢
in the world appeared the first set"ENIAC" of the electronics digital computer, used for calculation trajectory.From American second faculty of engineering manufacturing of the university Mo Er electricity of the guest Xi method Ni of, ...
History of computer development 5th century BC, Chinese invented the abacus. It is widely used in commercial trade, and this is the first calculation tool. It’s also considered the prototype of a computer. Until the 17th century, computing devices have a second important step forwar...
Evolution of the Computer:The first counting device was the abacus, originally from Asia. It worked on a place-value notion meaning that the place of a bead or rock on the apparatus determined how much it was worth.1600s: John Napier discovers logarithms. Robert Bissaker invents ...
there had been no machine which can be called "computer" till 1946. In that year two Americans invented the first computer in the world. The volumn of the machine was so large that it took
计算机正广泛被用于各行各业。在过去的五十年中,计算机得到了迅猛的发展。计算机最终还是由人来设计和控制。【范文】The Computer The computer is widely used in all phases of society. In industry, business, education, medicine, nearly all walks of life, computers have made their appearance,...
1946年2月14日,标志现代计算机诞生的ENIAC(The Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)在费城公诸于世。ENIAC代表了计算机发展史上的里程碑,它通过不同部分之间的重新接线编程,还拥有并行计算能力。ENIAC由美国政府和宾夕法尼亚大学合作开发,使用了18,000个电子管,70,000个电阻器,有5百万个...
我那时候没有电脑也没有网络的英文如下:I didn't have a computer or internet at that time 电脑的发展历史过程 1、第一代电脑(1946—1958年)第一代电脑的主要特点是采用电子管作为逻辑元件,因此,通常人们又称第一代电脑为电子管电脑。用水银延迟线或阴极射线管作主存储器,用磁鼓作辅助储存,...
1. 计算机的英文原词“computer”最初是指从事数据计算的人,而非机器。2. 古希腊人在公元前87年制造了用于计算行星移动的安提基特拉机制,这是早期计算设备的祖先之一。3. 1623年,Wilhelm Schickard制造了欧洲第一台计算设备“计算钟”,通过转动齿轮进行操作。4. 1642年,Pascal在Wilhelm Oughtred的...
“科洛萨斯”比美国的ENIAC计算机问世早两年多,在二战期间破译了大量德军机密,战争结束后,它被秘密销毁了,故不为人所了解。 尽管第一台电子计算机诞生于英国,但英国没有抓住由计算机引发的技术和产业革命的机遇。相比之下,美国抓住了这一历史机遇,鼓励发展计算机技术和产业,从而崛起了一大批计算机产业巨头,大大促进了...
笔记本电脑雏形 1979年,Grid pass 1109电脑问世,这是人类有史以来对笔记本电脑制作的第一次尝试。这款电脑是英国人WilliamMoggridge在1979年为Grid公司设计的。不过这款电脑问世后的面向对象只是美国航空航天领域,是人类历史上首次从扇贝上获取灵感制造的轻便电脑,普通民众是无法与其接触的。Grid pass 1109...