1. 帮帮忙,以“日程安排”为话题写一篇一百字的英语作文 In this conversation, we are in the head office of a major advertising agency. It is a high-activity \/ high-pressure environment. Gail Lewis, an executive secretary, is walking along with her boss, Gerry Ameson, as he g...
an executive secretary, is walking along with her boss, Gerry Ameson, as he goes to his next meeting.Gail: Sir, Mr. James from Editing would like your opinion on this report.Gerry: I’m too busy right now. Put it in my in-box...
Three, to attend the tenth session of the National People's Congress fourth conference, hear and discuss the government work report and other related reports, discussion of the national economic and social development in the Eleventh Five Year Plan Outline draft Four, for consideration b...
Three, to attend the tenth session of the National People's Congress fourth conference, hear and discuss the government work report and other related reports, discussion of the national economic and social development in the Eleventh Five Year Plan Outline draft Four, for consideration b...
(一)集中概述法。这种写法是把会议的基本情况,讨论研究的主要问题,与会人员的认识、议定的有关事项(包括解决问题的措施、办法和要求等),用概括叙述的方法,进行整体的阐述和说明。这种写法多用于召开小型会议,而且讨论的问题比较集中单一,意见比较统一,容易贯彻操作,写的篇幅相对短小 如果会议的议题...
问题一:英语会议通知怎么写 首先要在首行写上被通知的对象,例如To: All Managers。第二行开始言简意赅地写明事件。如同之前我们介绍的写商务信函一样,要记得遵守5W原则,也就是where、when、who、what、how。如:The next Monthly Management Meeting will be held[) at 10:00 a.m. on Monday...
一、会议议程 1、由公司安全生产直接责任人兰玉分析公司当前安全生产现状,布置下一步安全生产工作。2、由公司安全生产第一责任人莫建旭就公司安全生产提出要求。二、会议摘要 1、近期从中央到省市均对危化品生产经营行业的安全生产工作高度重视,召开了几次会议,xx市领导、xx局领导于近期召开了安全生产...
会议议程安排一、 会议时间:2011年2月23日13:30至18:00二、 会议地点:xx大街路口南xx酒店3楼会议室三、 会议议程:序号 时间 项目 报告人1 13:30-14:00 与会人员陆续入席 2 14:00-14:15 会议开幕致词并通报公司发展概况 xxx3 14:15-14:25 部门划分及岗位职责 xxx4 14:25-14:55 销售部管理规定 xxx...
节俭举办冬奥会的英语作文 Beijing Olympic Games gives the world so many surprises, we show our new image to the world. Many Chinese heroes fought for the right to hold the Olympic Games, finally we made it. Now we are also successful in winning the right to hold the winter Olympic Games...