


In the winter, we could often see the snow. Like many small stars,cleaning and pure,Patches of the snow are very popular among people ,especially kids who enjoy playing in the snow.They roll in the snow or make snowmen, while more of them lose themselves in snowball fights。So do I .though being soaked from head to foot sometimes, I am not worried, because I have fall in love with the snow!
第1个回答  2010-05-17
In the winter, we could often see the snow.Patches of the snow are like many small stars,which are perfectly clean and pleasing。 The kids enjoy playing in the snow, they often roll in the snow or make snowmen, but More children lose themselves in snowball fights,so do I。I often with partners fight in the iceland, and sometimes be soaked from head to foot, but I am not worried, because I like the snow!

第2个回答  2010-05-18
In winter, we often see snow, flakes are like little shining stars, white and lovely. Children love to play with snow, they normally roll in the snow field or make a good looking snowman, but more children prefer playing snow fight. I am also fond of playing snow fight, and I always play snow fight with my young fellows in snow day, and get myself all wet if I do not pay enough attention to the coming snow ball. However, I am not worry too much about being hit by snow ball because I love snow.
第3个回答  2010-05-18
In winter, we could often see snow. The snowflakes look like stars in the sky, white and flawless. Children like playing with snow best, they often roll on the snow or make snowmen. But more children like
throw snowballs, I also like it, and usually play snowball with friends when it snows. Sometimes I was not carefull and got myself wet, but I don't care about it because I like snow! 但愿能帮到你

Patches of the snow are very popular among people ,especially kids who enjoy playing in the snow.They roll in the snow or make snowmen, while more of them lose themselves in snowball fights。

First let me introduce myself, I'm a computer enthusiast. Usually, I like listening to the music, watching film and play games with computer. I think the computer plays a very important role in our daily life.下面我为大家介绍一下关于电脑运行速度的问题。Next,I will introduce you...

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So what appears one is truly none.看起来是单独的个体,其实却什么都不是 翻译完毕。不了解背景,单从歌词来看,有些难以明白这里面的“它”究竟是什么。不过可以猜一下,我觉得可能是指政府、媒体之类,对社会有重大影响,又可能有控制社会、控制个人的意图的机构。

and urban light rail vehicle and the subway train is to alleviate the important tool of urban traffic congestion. In our country, the urban population has increased dramatically and expansion of the size of city, make the traditional transportation mode can not meet the requirement of ...

英语达人帮帮忙。别用翻译软件 很不准确

This is difficult to acknowledge. Last year the promise of decades of work on money laundering was silenced by the assault on New York and Washington. It seemed as if the world had been observed through the wrong end of a telescope.这一点很难实现。去年由于对纽约和华盛顿的袭击,...


The final point I want to make is that I have learned a hard lesson on this matter. I feel like I have grown up overnight. I really appreciate a second chance our company has offered me. It allows me to re-examine myself, make clear my position in the company and also...

求这篇文章的翻译。。谢谢各位大神 不要用翻译机的。。 再次谢过达人...
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