

与现在的其他类似的系统相比该系统有多种特点,其中技术特色主要有分布式体系结构,采用C/S与B/S相结合的三层分布式体系结构,既实现了功能交互界面的人性化,又支持了客户端的零维护(使用了智能客户端技术)。提供功能强大的报表工具,使用该工具可以迅速方便地开发出大量报表,为企业经营决策服务; 系统追求挖掘顾客的差异化需求以便有针对性的满足其需求,除了强调会员的分级别管理,还进一步认识到同一个级别会员中的不同个体的需求也是有差异的。提供高度的信息安全保障,通过对登录口令验证、用户操作权限严密控制、等防止卡的冒用,综合保证信息安全。业务特色主要有管理各业务对象的生命周期,灵活的、可扩展的积分和返利方案,会员积分实时计算以及强大的分析平台。

With China's rapid economic development, the market mechanism has been improved, increasing wealth of material, more
Number of goods from a seller into a buyer's market, increasing competition in the commercial field. China's accession to the WTO, foreign retail giants continue to enter the Chinese market, making competition more brutal in this area.
In order to deal with the fierce market competition, the introduction of a variety of measures to attract business customers, which is quite common way to implement the membership system, introduction of the numerous incentives, and thus a higher member of management system requirements.
Given such situation, the use of advanced three-tier development technology, developed a set of membership management system, stupid system aims for a variety of Formats, commercial enterprises of all sizes to provide advanced security management system for membership and points. System flexible system architecture, integrated member management and integral management of the two functions, suitable for supermarkets, department stores, convenience stores, specialty store, shopping, etc. Format, suitable for business customers of all sizes, especially small and medium sized convenience supermarket.
And now, compared to other similar systems have many characteristics of the system, in which technical characteristics are mainly distributed architecture, using C / S and B / S combination of the three-tier distributed architecture, not only to achieve a functional interface human nature, but also support zero client maintenance (using a smart client technology). Provide powerful reporting tools, use the tool to quickly and easily develop a large number of statements for business decision-making services; system to pursue mining different demands of customers to meet their targeted needs, in addition to members of the sub-level stress management further understanding to the same level of membership in the needs of different individuals are different. Provide a high level of information security, through login password authentication, the user tight control of operating privileges, such as to prevent fraudulent use of cards, integrated to ensure information security. Business management of the main characteristics of the life cycle of business objects, flexible and scalable integration and rebate programs, members of integral and powerful analysis of real-time computing platform.

参考资料:逍遥小凡6 回答

第1个回答  2010-05-20
With China's rapid economic development, the market mechanism has been improved, increasing wealth of material, more
Number of goods from a seller into a buyer's market, increasing competition in the commercial field. China's accession to the WTO, foreign retail giants continue to enter the Chinese market, making competition more brutal in this area.
In order to deal with the fierce market competition, the introduction of various measures to attract business customers, which is quite common way is by means of the membership system, introduction of the numerous incentives to Member Management system put forward higher requirements.
Given such situation, the use of advanced three-tier development technology, developed a set of membership management system, stupid system aims for a variety of Formats, commercial enterprises of all sizes to provide advanced security management system for membership and points. System flexible system architecture, integrated member management and integral management of the two functions, suitable for supermarkets, department stores, convenience stores, specialty store, shopping, etc. Format, suitable for business customers of all sizes, especially small and medium sized convenience supermarket.
And now, compared to other similar systems there are several features of the system, in which technical characteristics are mainly distributed architecture using C / S and B / S combination of the three-tier distributed architecture, realized the function of interface human nature, but also support zero client maintenance (using a smart client technology). Reports provide a powerful tool, use the tool to quickly and easily develop a large number of statements for business decision-making services; system to differentiate the pursuit of developing customer needs in order to meet their needs and targeted, in addition to members of the sub-level stress management further understanding to the same level of membership in the needs of different individuals are different. Provide a high level of information security, through login password authentication, the user tight control of operating privileges, such as to prevent fraudulent use of cards, integrated to ensure information security. Business management of the main characteristics of the life cycle of business objects, flexible and scalable integration and rebate programs, membership, and strong integration of real-time computing platform.


第2个回答  2010-05-20
With the rapid development of our economy, market mechanism, perfecting materials increasingly rich, more and more
Many of the goods from the seller to the buyer market, market business field of the increasingly fierce competition. China's entry into the wto, foreign retail giants continuously to enter the Chinese market, make this field competition more cruel.
In order to cope with the fierce market competition, the businessman rolled out various measures to attract customers, which is quite common, implement system of member entitlement-exploding preferential measures, thus to member management system, put forward higher request.
Facing the situation, the use of advanced technology development, three layers developed this member management system, stupid system's goal is to various forms of business enterprise, the scale and provide member and integral management system. The system has the flexible system architecture, the integration of the member management and integral management two big functions, can be applied to supermarkets, department stores, shopping centers, ZhuanYeDian, etc, and is suitable for various business scale, especially small and medium-sized business customers convenience supermarket.
And now the other similar systems have many characteristics compared to the system, including technical characteristics are mainly distributed system structure, using C/S and B/S combination of three layers of distributed system structure, realizes the function of human interface, and support the client zero maintenance (using intelligent client technology). A powerful tool to use this tool, reports can easily develop rapidly, a report for the enterprise management decision service, System of customer demand pursuit of mining to targeted differentiation, besides emphasize its needs satisfied members of the classification management, but also don't know to the same level to the different needs of individual member is different. Provide information of high security, through the login passwords validation, users access to prevent tightly controlled, etc, the comprehensive use of information security guarantee. The main characteristics of business management of the life cycle of business objects, flexible, scalable integration and incentive scheme, members of integral real-time calculation and analysis of the powerful platform.