Development of a firm's core competencies is identified as the key for global leadership and competitiveness in the 1990s. NEC, Honda, and Canon are used as exemplars of firms that conceive of themselves in terms of core competencies. Core competencies are the organization's collective learning and ability to coordinate and integrate multiple production skills and technology streams; they are also about the organization of work and delivery of value in services and manufacturing. A firm must conceive of itself as a portfolios of competencies, instead of a portfolio of strategic business units (SBUs). The latter limit the ability of firms to exploit their technological capabilities; they are often dependent on external resources. The real source of advantage lies in management's ability to consolidate corporate-wide technologies and production skills into competencies, which will allow individual businesses to adapt to emerging opportunities. Cultivating core competencies does not mean outspending rivals on R&D, sharing costs among SBUs, or the price/performance of end products. Three tests identify such competencies: (1) they provide potential access to a wide variety of markets; (2) they significantly contribute to the customer benefits of the end-product; and (3) they should be difficult for competitors to imitate. Cultivating core competencies also means benefiting from alliances and establishing competencies that are evolving in existing businesses. The tangible links between core competencies and end products are core products, which embody one or more core competencies. Companies must maximize their world manufacturing share in core products. Global leadership is won by core competence, core products, and end products; global brands are built by proliferating products out of core competencies. Firms must avoid the tyranny of the SBU, the costs of which are (1) under investment in developing core competencies and core products, (2) imprisoned resources, and (3) bounded innovation. Top management must add value to a firm by developing strategic architecture, which will avoid fragmenting core competencies, establish objectives for competence building, make resource allocation priorities transparent and consistent, ensure competencies are corporate resources, reward competence carriers (personnel who embody core competencies), and focus strategy at the corporate level. A firm must be conceived of as a hierarchy of core competences, core products, and market-focused business units. Obsession with competence building will mark the global winners of the 1990s. (TNM)
Keywords: Growth strategies, Firm strategies, Organizational objectives, Core competencies, Organizational learning, Organizational structures, Alliance formation, Firm growth, Strategic planning
这是C. K. Prahalad和Gary Hamel写的《The Core Competence of the Corporation》的一段,请高手帮忙翻译!!急啊~~~~我可以相应提高分值的哈~~~
help me~~~请英文高手帮忙翻译一段
一个企业的核心能力发展被确定为全球的领导和在90年代竞争力的关键。 NEC公司,本田,佳能被用作范例的公司认为自己的设想的核心竞争力方面。 核心能力是组织集体学习和能力,协调和整合多种生产技能和技术流,它们是对工作和价值传递的服务业和制造业组织也。 一个企业必须设想本身的能力的一个投资组合...
My God, please help me. Helpless as I am, how to face the current problem?
在线等英文翻译!!明天我高中口语考试!!HELP ME PLEASE~~!! 3Q!!!
Sorry, I think it is too hard for me, I can't do it.
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高手帮忙翻译一下吧 翻译的好还会加分 随着全球经济危机的回暖,我国再次进入基础建设的高峰期,中国建筑市场投资主体多元化进程加快,工程项目的竞争日趋激烈,工程项目企业面临着比以往更多的风险。因此,加强工程项目风... 随着全球经济危机的回暖,我国再次进入基础建设的高峰期,中国建筑市场投资主体多元化进程加快,工程...
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