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or how long it will become unbreakable." The students, let us go for the good habit of cable wraps the cable chain your perseverance. When he was unbreakable at the time, let us start bar,
1 You are denied two times last year.What is the reason?I was not old enough as 14 at that time so my mother came to the visa interview. But she forgot to take our property ownership certificate,so I was denied. I do not know the reason for the second time, maybe it ...
Rum Tum Tugger 是只相貌威风的公猫,他是唯一颈边有鬃毛的猫,看上去好像雄狮一样出众。他是猫中摇 滚歌星般的人物,十分受母猫们的喜爱,尤其是一群小猫更喜欢围着他打转,为他的每句歌词倾倒。http:\/\/www.heiyou.com\/Tribe\/928\/1725673.shtml?PageNum=2 ...
I like climbing mountain.Climbing is like our life,to reach the summit to appreciate the beautiful landscape ,you have to make great efforts and stick to the end.我热爱教育。这种热爱源于一段难忘的经历。2006年我做了一名志愿教师,我的学生是一群特殊的孩子,他们很少或几乎没有上过学。
be your friend. If you are willing to accept me as your friend, please send me an email. My email adress is XXX. If you are not, please forgive me for what I have done and forget all these letters I have sent to you. I am truly sorry.Wish you happiness 自己翻译的 ...
but they are no doubt the fairer ways to provide the measurement of an individual’s quality level. We must not dismiss them totally. Also should be more active, more sunshine state of mind to face up to it,已精工精心替你翻译好了,很希望会对你有帮助,并望满意采纳,谢谢。
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Li Ming has selttled permanently here and he gets along very well with the neighbors.如果你不想和我一起,你就收拾东西走人 (pack up)If you do not want to be with me, you may pack and go.战争期间,我受了很多苦,我用日记记下自己的经理。以便老了以后能记住。(suffer,set ...
Mysterious shaman community, a boy, his parents were the most horrible dark wizard Voldemort killed.But he survived because of the protection of the mother's love. In an ordinary family growth and ill-treatment, 11years of age he found a real home - the Hogwarts school of magic...
1.没有艰辛,便无所获 No pain , no gain.2. 插上理想的翅膀,扬起青春的风帆 Set up and follow your dreams when you are young.3. 讲君子之风留他人一座,塑百年新貌为学校争光 什么叫“留他人一座”?不懂。。。解释清楚先 4.修身养性平天下,和谐安宁靠大家 Cultivate your heart and ...