


    The house of the future is an all powerful and modern house.


    The floor of the house is made of highly polar wood, not only beautiful, but also releasing negative ions. The floor was spotless because there was an underground vacuum cleaner under the floor.


    he walls are new! If you think the wall is dirty, tear off the wallpaper pasted on the wall. After 10 minutes, the wallpaper on the wall will automatically regenerate. It's so convenient! Wallpaper can also absorb solar energy?. In winter, the summer wallpaper to absorb solar energy released, suddenly let you like in the warm spring; summer wallpaper to release the cold winter air absorption, make the room immediately cool, cool, good wallpaper!


    Glass is not normal either. Not only is it brightly colored, it can also block ultraviolet light, and more importantly, it can block noise!


    Furniture in the house can move with each other?! You just enter the furniture you want to change on the master control computer and press the enter key! In a flash, the two furniture changed places, with this function, you do not have to bother to move furniture!

    未来的房子是多么的方便而且实用呀!同学们,让我们一起用自已的聪明,一起来创造未来的房子吧!The house of the future is so convenient and practical! Students, let us use their own wisdom, together to create a house of the future!

第1个回答  2016-07-14
未来的房子是一个全能而又现代化的房子。 房子的地板是用高极合成木制成的,不仅美观,而且还能释放负离子。地板上一尘不染,为什么呢?因为在地板下,安装着一个地下吸尘器,纸屑刚刚落地,就会被地下吸尘器吸走,丢进垃圾桶里。 墙壁更新奇!假如你认为墙壁脏了呢,就把贴在墙上的墙纸撕掉,10分钟之后,墙上的墙纸会自动再生,真方便呀!墙纸还可以吸收太阳能呢。冬天,墙纸把夏天吸收的太阳能释放出来,顿时让你仿佛置身在暖和的春天里;夏天,墙纸把冬天吸收的冷空气释放出来,让屋子里马上凉爽起来,冬暖夏凉,多好的墙纸呀! 玻璃也不一般。它不仅色彩鲜艳,还可以挡住紫外线,更重要的是,它可以挡住噪音! 房子的家具还可以相互移动的呢!你只要在总控制电脑上输入你想要调换的家具,按一下回车键,呀!一刹那间,两个家具就换了位置,有了这项功能,你再也不用费力搬家具了! 如此好的设备,万一被人偷去怎么办?不要急!有多功能门呢!假如有客人上门,门就会自动开,让客人进去,然后打电话通知主人,假如主人说不熟悉这个人的话,那多功能门就会自动反锁,把“客人”锁在屋里,让小偷有进无出,然后报110叫警察来捉拿。 未来的房子是多么的方便而且实用呀!同学们,让我们一起用自已的聪明,一起来创造未来的房子吧!本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2017-07-22
第3个回答  2017-07-26