
我想听你说 作文600字

                            æˆ‘想听你说       人的一辈子和母亲在一起的日子其实并不多,留给我们印象最深最久的也就是母亲的话语。    童年是一场梦,梦像一段童年,而我那如梦般的童年,弥漫着母亲的和蔼而温馨的话语。     儿时,天空中纷纷扬扬的飘散着的雪花, 抬头望着窗外,光秃秃的的杨树枝变成一条条晶莹的“雪条儿”,葱郁的冬青树枝上缀满了一团团毛茸茸的“雪球”,屋顶上,院子里,田野间到处是白茫茫的一片,这是母亲轻轻地走了过来,温柔地抚摸着我的头,温婉的话语在我耳畔旋转,我抬起头问母亲:“雪为什么是白色的啊?”母亲望了望我,笑着说:“因为雪是天上的精灵,是上天派她们来净化这个世界的。”说完轻轻地吻着我的小脸蛋,我的心中泛起一阵阵幸福的涟漪。     一天,记不清什么原因,我与小伙伴发生了争吵,心里很不开心,闷在屋里不说话,母亲喊我无数遍,我只呆在屋里静静地,一声不发,这时母亲说要带我出去走走,我没有回答,母亲只当我默许,拉起我的手走了出去。站在田野里,空气中弥散着泥土与鲜花的芬芳,缤纷的花朵像绵延的织锦那般华丽,像天空的彩霞那样耀眼,像高空的长虹那么灿烂,我蹲下身来,抚摸着脚下的鲜花,心情开怀了不少。母亲走了过来,和蔼的说:“好朋友争吵是常事,要学会宽容,就像这美丽的自然,只因包容这么多的事物,她才美丽!”      母亲的话像一股清泉,漫过我的心灵,让我顿时醒悟过来,原来一切不过如此简单。      母亲远离家乡远离我到上海打工已经多年了,然而她的一句句温暖的话语时常在我耳边响起,让我常常感到幸福与快乐。      母亲啊, 我何时才能再听你说说!


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以下6个急救短文供参考:1,immediately wash your wounds:if your wound is dirty,and extravasation of blood,should clean the wound,the available water or normal saline.If the wound of sediment didn't wash,will be left in your skin pigmentation,affect beautiful,but also can cause infect...

急救知识的英语作文一:急救知识 It is important for you to learn some knowledge about first aid in your daily life. If a person has an accident, he needs medical care before a doctor can be found. When you give first aid, you must pay attention to three things. First, wh...

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One day, Li Pingsaw an old woman was hit by a car on the way to school .car and sped away. Li Ping came up and found that elderly people left leg injury, flow of blood. . Remembered in class to go to school first-aid knowledge, he took out his handkerchief, dressing ...

帮忙写一篇80字左右的火灾急救 英语作文 吧。万分感谢
slow the spread of fire.火灾发生时,一定要冷静地面对。假如火灾初起时就被发现,可趁火势很小之际,用灭火器、自来水等灭火工具在第一时间去扑救,同时还应呼喊周围人员出来参与灭火和报警。如有多人灭火,应进行分工,一部分人负责灭火,另一部分人清除火焰周围的可燃物,防止、减缓火势蔓延。

英语作文 为什么要进行急救
open his\/her mouth and see if there is food at the bulk of his\/her mouth. Second, if a person cannot breathe, do you best to start his\/her breathing 急救 在日常生活中,学习一些急救知识,对一个人来说很重要。假如一个人发生车祸,在医生到来之前,需要对他进行医疗护理,做急救...

人工呼吸), and have someone call for help at the same time.. Don't assume it's too late to save a someone's life -- even if he's unresponsive, continue performing CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation心肺复苏) and do not stop until medical professionals take over.祝你开心如意!

