



Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930.


His ancestral home is in Dean County, Jiujiang , Jiangxi Province.


During the Second Sino-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War, he moved 

with his family and attended school in many 

places, including Hunan,Chongqing, Hankou and Nanjing.


Yuan Longping is a Chinese agronomist, known for developing the

first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.


Hybrid rice has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa, America,and

 Asia—providing a robust food source in areas with a high risk of famine.


Yuan is always called the "Father of Hybrid Rice" by the Chinese media.


第1个回答  2021-08-13

英文原文:Dr.sun yatsen  was  a   famous   historical   person.   He  was  born  in   Guangdong.   Dr.sun yatsen   was  the  father   of   modern  China.    He  was  a    great   leader,  he   was   against    the    emperor.   He   tired  to    chang   China    and    free    the   people.

So, I  think   he   loved   the    people    and    people    loved  him.


第2个回答  推荐于2017-11-21
Liuxiang is one of the most famous running athletes. He was born in Shanghai China in 13th. July,1983. He is 1.88m tall and 74 kilograms. He like singing, his favourite singer is Zhang Xueyou. When he was a little boy he like sport very much, he did a lot running exercises. so he can run very fast now. He won 110m men's hurdle's gole medal in 2004. We call him "Air Chinese".
刘翔是世界上一名著名的跑步运动员 他于1983年7月13号出生在中国上海 他1.88米高 他重74公斤 他的爱好是唱歌 他喜欢的歌手是张学友 他小时候就喜欢体育 他过去经常练习跑步所以他后来能跑得非常快 他在2004年奥运会获得110米栏金牌 我们称他为“中国飞人”
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第3个回答  2020-05-07
Liuxiang is one of the most famous running athletes. He was born in Shanghai China in 13th. July,1983. He is 1.88m tall and 74 kilograms. He like singing, his favourite singer is Zhang Xueyou. When he was a little boy he like sport very much, he did a lot running exercises. so he can run very fast now. He won 110m men's hurdle's gole medal in 2004. We call him "Air Chinese".
刘翔是世界上一名著名的跑步运动员 他于1983年7月13号出生在中国上海 他1.88米高 他重74公斤 他的爱好是唱歌 他喜欢的歌手是张学友 他小时候就喜欢体育 他过去经常练习跑步所以他后来能跑得非常快 他在2004年奥运会获得110米栏金牌 我们称他为“中国飞人”
第4个回答  2019-12-22

英文原文:Dr.sun yatsen was a famous historical person. He was born in Guangdong. Dr.sun yatsen was the father of modern China. He was a great leader, he was against the emperor. He tired to chang ...

Yuan Longping Yuan Longping was born in Beijing in 1930. He graduated from Southwest Agricultural College in China in 1953. In 1973, he in cooperation with others, he was able to cultivate a type of hybrid rice species which had great advantages. It yielded 20 percent more per u...

中国名人事迹 英语作文
Yuan Longping (born September 7,1930) is a Chinese agricultural scientist and educator,known for developing the first hybrid rice varieties in the 1970s.His "hybrid rice" has since been grown in dozens of countries in Africa,America,and Asia—providing a robust food source in high ...

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Zhou Enlai Zhou Enlai was born in Huai'an, Jiangsu, on March 5, 1898. In 1917, he finished school in Nankai Middle School, and then went to France to learn Marxist theory. In 1922, he joined the Chinese Communist Party. After that, he was active in his work and directed ...
