Yesterday I went to watch 3D IMAX 'Avatar' with my mother and the teachers in her school. I have to admit that the film is such a wonder that I thought it is well worth watching in one's whole life. 'Avatar' is not just a film. Yes the view in it is really beautiful, charming, amazing, wonderful...I can use hundreds of words to discribe what I saw. The film is not just about the love story between a 'human' and a Na'vi princess, but also a educational file.
The film has someting in common with the USA history. The Na'vi people live on the planet called Pandora, seems like the Indian people who used to live on the America continent. They first welcomed the new guys who came to settled on the new land. They gave them food, provide them with warm clothing, and taught them the living skills, including how to hunt, to build house... But soon everything changed. The settlers became robbers. They robbed many things of the Indians, and treated them very bad, even began to drive them out of their living places. The Indians became homeless. What a shame! The new settlers treated their benedactor in such a crul way. How coldblood they were.
In this film, the charactors were just changed. The Americans are changed into human beeings, and the locol Indians turn into the Na'vi people on the Pandora. They begin to rob again. They, or should I say 'we' are miserly. We have already damaged too much on the earth. The environment has been destroyed, the water has been wasted, the air has been polluted, the forest has been cut, millions of animals have been killed and we can never see them again. It is just so sad! I just cannot stand it. We must live in harmony with the nature.
On the The U.N. Climate Change conference, which was held in Copenhagen, Denmark, our Chinese govenmengt published our aim, reducing the Carbon Dioxide. The USA government did not promise anything, they just focus on their own industry development. Do they really want to act like what the film has shown? Though I admire Mr. Obama, I can't understand why did he do this.
In the film, I saw a Circumstances, the commander told the soldior that the Na'vi people believe that the Eywa would bless them everybody laughed at it. Because they don't have anything to believe in. Or can I say they just believe in themselves. It is so sad! People hang together because they have the same belief. But the soldiors in this film, have completed been coldblood killer. What did they fight for? For resources? Then they're robbers. For the commander's orders? Then they're idiot...
My men it's time to wake up! It's time for us to hang together just like brothers and sisters, to fight for our living areas. Come on!
《阿凡达》观后感1 《阿凡达》是一部美国拍摄的3D科幻电影,它深深地打动了我。 我们的故事从人类说起。人类为了掠取潘多拉星球的大量能源,乘大批飞船在潘多拉星球安营扎寨。然后派人伪装成当地居民纳美人和他们一起生活,骗取他们的信任,使他们把潘多拉星的秘密告诉他们,从而一举攻破潘多拉星,获取能源。杰克和另外两个...
《阿凡达》观后感1 这是一个长着茂盛的花草树木、有许多珍禽异兽的地方。这里的树有一幢楼高,最美的树到了黑夜就会闪闪发光,这棵树叫“圣树”,这里还有圣树种子、螺旋含羞草、孔雀鹿、毒狼这里的动物、植物和纳威人都和睦相处这就是电影《阿凡达》中美丽如天堂般的潘多拉星球。 这部电影讲了人类毁灭潘多拉星球的情景...
篇一:《阿凡达》观后感 这是一个长着茂盛的花草树木、有许多珍禽异兽的地方。这里的树有一幢楼高,最美的树到了黑夜就会闪闪发光,这棵树叫“圣树”,这里还有圣树种子、螺旋含羞草、孔雀鹿、毒狼??这里的动物、植物和纳威人都和睦相处??这就是电影《阿凡达》中美丽如天堂般的潘多拉星球。这部电影...
《阿凡达2:水之道》除去绝美的世界盛宴外,影片还展示了梦幻般的山崎、清澈的海洋电影场景与实现钢筋高楼形成鲜明对比,从而引出现代文明的发展能否与自然环境共存问题,是主体升华现实层次,正如导演卡梅隆认为《阿凡达》的成功,是它所传达的想法,影片构成的梦幻场景,让观众沉浸式的感受到达一个安全之处。 《阿凡达2》观后...
“阿凡达2”电影个人观后心得(篇1) 一直都听说《阿凡达2》很好看,再加上想写一篇真实的观后感,就抱着好奇的心态看上了这部充满了幻想色彩的《阿凡达2》。 《阿凡达2》中纳美族人的健硕、俊美、豪放和森林里虚幻的梦景,让我对潘多拉星球充满了向往。 我多想变成阿凡达。就像杰克那样,拥有一副高大的身段,迷人的...
《阿凡达2》个人观看心得篇1 终于,《阿凡达》之后,我等了十年,终于等来了《阿凡达2:水之道》。《阿凡达2:水之道》由詹姆斯·卡梅隆继续执导,西格妮·韦弗回归出演新角色,史蒂芬·朗回归扮演迈尔斯·夸奇上校,乔·大卫·摩尔回归扮演诺姆,吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西(《老友记》中菲比的弟弟)回归扮演帕克。凯特·温丝莱特加盟扮演...
观后感一: 《阿凡达》观后感 “说实话,在看人类狂轰乱炸灵魂树的时候,我满脑子想的都是植物大战僵尸。”这就是在看完阿凡达之后,我对着我们这一众男男女女所说的话。 别误会,这绝不是对卡梅隆大叔的不敬和对阿凡达的调侃,而是觉得这正是卡梅隆大叔的成功之处。能把一个看似很俗而且都让人觉得俗不可耐的故事...
过年的时候,妈妈带我去看4d电影《阿凡达》,可好看了! 主要讲的是几个地球人要去打外星人。那时候地球人已经很先进了,还有可以把地球人变成外星人的仪器和很多先进的武器。而外星人却很原始,他们长的很像地球人的祖先:人猿,不过他们是蓝色的,是普通人类的十倍大小。 上校在他们的人手中挑出几...
科技电影观后感 篇1 去看了《阿凡达》,场面很震撼,内心却有一丝小小的悲哀,为卡梅隆,为人类,也为自己。 不用多说,3D创造出的潘多拉星球的奇幻景象,美不胜收,无与伦比,任何一个看见这些美丽景象的人都会深深的喜爱上这个魔幻的星球。相信卡梅隆这十二年的心血没有白花,所谓视觉的一场饕餮盛宴也不过如此了。 可是...