

生日 9月3日
血型 A型
喜欢的科目 音乐、国语
讨厌的科目 没有
所属社团 合唱团
喜欢的颜色 浅茶色
喜欢的花 木莲、樱花
喜欢的食物 荞麦面、寿司
讨厌的食物 青椒
得意的料理 义大利面
最想要的东西 新的V8
胡言乱语 知世是一个非常有趣的角色,出场率几乎百分之百,可说是最主要配角。 知世非常喜欢和小樱在一起,最大的希望是小樱能穿上她做的战斗服,并且能帮小樱摄影;因此知世最大的困扰就是无法拍到小樱「英勇的姿态」。 知世非常善解人意,往往能了解对方内心的想法;她最早发现小狼对小樱的爱意,经常鼓励小狼勇敢的向小樱表白。 知世是一个看到喜欢的人幸福,自己也觉得幸福的好女孩。
第1个回答  2006-10-15


生日 9月3日
血型 A型
喜欢的科目 音乐、语文
讨厌的科目 没有
所属社团 合唱团
喜欢的颜色 浅茶色
喜欢的花 木莲、樱花
喜欢的食物 荞麦面、寿司
讨厌的食物 青椒
得意的料理 意大利面
最想要的东西 新的V8摄像机
评价 知世是一个非常有趣的角色,出场率几乎百分之百,可说是最主要配角。知世非常喜欢和小樱在一起,最大的希望是小樱能穿上她做的战斗服,并且能帮小樱摄影;因此知世最大的困扰就是无法拍到小樱「英勇的姿态」。 知世非常善解人意,往往能了解对方内心的想法;她最早发现小狼对小樱的爱意,经常鼓励小狼勇敢的向小樱表白。 知世是一个看到喜欢的人幸福,自己也觉得幸福的好女孩
Daidouji Tomoyo

Tomoyo's mother is a successful CEO of a toy company and her family also possesses a considerable amount of wealth on its own. Because of this wealth, she is in the typical danger of kidnapping and other dangers which might befall a child of a prominent family. So her mother has provided Tomoyo with a sharply suited quad of bodyguards.

She is also Sakura's very best friend (and biggest fan). Her hobbies are taking pictures and making movies (of Sakura), sewing (for Sakura) and cooking (for Sakura and the bottomless pit known and Kero-chan). All of Sakura's battle costumes are designed and made by Tomoyo. Although Sakura is sometimes put off by the idea of being constantly recorded and dressed in cutesy outfits, she agrees because both Tomoyo and Kero-chan think she looks adorable and contrive to achieve her cooperation (using the argument that the Clow Cards will take her more seriously if she is outfitted like a ‘proper' Card Captor.) She is the only person Sakura and Kero have entrusted the secret of the Clow Cards too, partly because on the first night Sakura made a capture Tomoyo took a video of the moon which happened to be right as Sakura was flying across it on her sealing wand. Oops.

Tomoyo and Sakura are very close friends and some have hinted that Tomoyo's love for Sakura is Romantic rather than platonic. I happen to disagree and believe that she simply adores Sakura with the one-mindedness of a girl who feels she has to guard herself against others who may only want her friendship because of her money rather than for who she is. Tomoyo loves that Sakura loves her for who she is and delights in her friend's accomplishments.

Tomoyo's mother provides her with a number of new toys to test, usually offering extras for Sakura and Kero (though she doesn't specially know they are for Kero, or that Kero exists) to try as well. Specifically, the walkie-talkies (or cellular phones, I'm not yet sure which they are) come in handy when Tomoyo and Sakura encounter Clow Cards while Kero-chan is at Sakura's house and can not help in person.

Despite her many talents, Kero-chan says that Tomoyo possesses no magical power. However, she still posses her intellect, which often leads her to suspect the presence of a Clow Card before Sakura's powers alert her to its presence.

Tomoyo is unerringly sweet and never seems to be upset by anything other than having forgotten to bring a new outfit for Sakura to dress in when in a card is captured. Very much introverted, Tomoyo expresses herself through her art and is content to watch life from the sidelines. This is not to say that she takes no pride in herself. She takes great joy in creating costumes and watching them displayed as Sakura captures cards. After all, this is great practice for her future as a famous designer, which is not a shabby career for someone who possesses as much talent as Tomoyo.

The Cherry Blossom Festival fanpage is copyrighted by Hillary Hunt, 1999 and 2000.
The image source material copyright belongs to its respective owners (see main page).
You may not copy my work from this page. Thank you.
第2个回答  2006-10-15
第3个回答  2006-10-16
第4个回答  2006-10-15


大道寺知世:永永远远是小樱的知心朋友 李莓玲:和小狼一样一开始不和小樱好,最后成为了好朋友。

守护者:可鲁贝洛斯(伪装身份:像布偶的可鲁贝洛斯,昵称小可)、审判者月(伪装身份:月城雪兔) 朋友:知世(关系最好)、李小狼、李莓铃、三原千春、 崇拜的人:月城雪兔、木之本藤隆(小樱的爸爸) 最喜欢的人:李小狼 最想见的人:木之本抚子(天宫抚子) 家人:爸爸、哥哥、姨姨(天宫园美)、曾外祖父 个性活泼善良、可...

好朋友:大道寺知世、木之本桃矢 (哥)、月城雪兔(月)、小可(可鲁贝洛斯)、李小狼、三原千春、柳泽奈绪子、佐佐木利佳、山崎贵史、李莓铃、柊泽艾力欧(库洛里多)、观月歌帆木之本樱,她不止有着一个学生的身份,其实,她也是一个出色的魔法师,拥有库洛创造的库洛牌。后因自己力量,将库洛牌变成小樱牌,并自己创造了...

知世非常喜欢和小樱在一起,最大的希望是小樱能穿上她做的战斗服,并且能帮小樱摄影;因此知世最大的困扰就是无法拍到小樱「英勇的姿态」。 知世非常善解人意,往往能了解对方内心的想法;她最早发现小狼对小樱的爱意,经常鼓励小狼勇敢的向小樱表白。 知世是一个看到喜欢的人幸福,自己也觉得幸福的好...

好朋友:大道寺知世(小樱妈妈堂姐的女儿,也就是小樱的表姐),李莓玲(李小狼的表妹,本 来和李小狼有婚约)朋友:三原千春(应该和山崎贵史,那个天天吹牛的男孩子,是互相喜欢的),佐佐木利佳(喜 欢寺田良幸,她们的老师之一),柳泽奈绪子,佟泽艾利欧(库洛里多的转世)崇拜的人:月城雪兔,木之...

他好朋友的资料。完整些。恩,,是摩卡少女樱噢、全名:大道寺知世 (Tomoyo Daidouji) 日文名:だいどうじ ともよ 声优:岩男润子(国语版由郝琳杰配音,粤语版由沈小兰配音,台湾版由魏晶琦配音。) 年龄:10岁(第一集起) 知世 生日:9月3日 性格:温柔善良、善解人意 星座:处女座 就读:...

喜欢摄影的大道寺知世,是小樱最要好的朋友。 一天早上,知世把昨晚拍摄到的画面给小樱看,没想到竟是小樱利用「翔」牌在夜空飞翔的画面,小樱被吓到了,这下秘密也曝光了。经由小可的说明,知世也知道小樱收服库洛牌的事情。隔天早上,小樱进入学校,看见一群人正好奇地围观一样东西,没想到竟是堆积的像山一样的课桌椅...

在百度百科中能查到的,这是资料删减后得来的:朋友:大道寺知世、李小狼等等 木之本 樱的家人:爸爸——木之本藤隆、妈妈——木之本抚子、哥哥——木之本桃矢、姨妈——大道寺园美、曾外祖父——天宫真嬉、表姐妹——大道寺知世。所以说,知世不仅是小樱的朋友+同班同学,还是小樱的表姐妹。

利佳经常和奈绪子、千春、小樱、知世在一起,她们都是好朋友。 她深深喜欢着自己的老师寺田良幸,并经常为他送上可口的便当。 利佳是属于少年老成,心事满腹的孩子。和知世相比,她少了一些可怕的敏感,却多了许多饱经世故的女子才能拥有的温柔,是典型的clamp小孩。 利佳的爱情处于正常和禁断之间,其间...
