英译汉:Autumn is a blatantly vital season, contrary to the allegations of sorrowful poets who misconstrue the message of dying leaves. A more realistic poet, Archi Macleish, says that "Autumn is the American season.In Europe the leaves turn yellow or brown and fall. Here they fire on the trees and hang there flaming. Life, too, we think, is capable of taking fire in this country, of creating beauty never seen.
Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal. Yale Lecturer William Zinner hit the nail squarely: “the whole notion of New Year’s Day as the time of fresh starts and bold solutions is false”. In truth that time is autumn. Popular pleasure shows itself in those hastening steps and brightened smiles encountered as the air grows nipper. Some psychiatrists have patients who grow almost alarmed at how congenial they suddenly feel. Autumn is a friendlier time.
Autumn is honest, it does not pretend to be heaven. Yet almost every body recognize that the season’s character transcend those familiar bracing days – crystal nights, bigger stars, vaulted sky, fluted twilights, harvest moons, frosted pumpkins and the foliage that impels whose traffic jams of leaf freaks up into New England.
高分悬赏-短篇翻译, 不要机器翻译 ,做好另加分
秋天是一个极其重要的季节,与曲解落叶含义的悲观诗人所渲染意境截然相反。一位超现实主义诗人Archi Macleish说过:秋是属于美国的季节。在欧洲,树叶变成金黄变成深褐,然后无言落下。而在这里,它们悬挂在枝头奔放的燃烧。我想,生命在这个国度也能够绚烂的燃烧,绽放出无与伦比的美。秋天也是一个生命真...
1对成功的追求总是从同一个目标。 Berra曾经说过,“你必须非常小心,如果你不知道你要去的地方,因为你有可能无法得到。”太多的人漫步像梦游者的生活。每一天,他们也跟着熟悉的套路,从来没有问,“我用我的生命吗?”,他们不知道他们在做什么,因为他们缺乏目标。设定目标是集中在某一个方向移动...
小短文翻译,不要软件,语法要正确 高分悬赏
1.Dear Lucy,Are you well? Last month I and my parents went to WuHan by train. The journey was comfortable. It took us about 3 hours to get there.There are a lot of places of interest in WuHan, in which THE EAST LAKE is the most famous. Blue sky and green water in t...
艺术还体现了艺术家们对于生活,社会的感悟:梵高的《向日葵》的浓重热烈的色彩解释了他对生命的狂热;雨果的《悲惨世界》通过刻画因饥饿偷面包而成为苦役犯的冉阿让,因穷困堕落为娼妓的芳玎等人物,表达了他对当时社会的不满和谴责。Art also reflects the artists' perceptions toward life and society....
急用!!! 翻译一段文字 不要机翻 高分悬赏
Along with our country economy's development, had a series of environment problem, like environmental pollution, greenhouse effect, population growth rapidly, natural resource overdevelopment and consumption, contaminating material massive emissionses and so on, the people can not but make a...
那天我也不知道谁给了我这些迷幻剂 我!我要浪子回头 我会杀死我心中那些邪恶的恶魔(坏品行)早上3点,将钥匙插进们 我身体躺在地板上 我几乎不记得我怎么进得屋 但是我想我必须杀他们 我把一同洗涤液浇在皮肤上 然后用水管冲 我切,我鞭打,撕碎,狠狠地砍,昨晚真的很恐怖 我不能清楚记得 我...
是选择了这里。nothing else can be happier than can be adequately fed!although this field of rice is very far from home,for a delicious lunch,he still chooses here.但有一天,这片稻田着大火了!小鸟还没反 应过来就被大火给熏倒了,当它醒过来了时 候,惊讶地发现稻田被烧成了一大片...
翻译如下 第一篇:如果你饿了,你会做什么呢?你可能会饱餐一顿你最爱的食物,吃后就饱了。就像你的胃一样,你的大脑思维也可能会饿的。但它不会告诉你的,因为你总是让它忙着思考你的梦中情人,最爱的明星和许多荒谬的事云云。思想的饥饿可以通过阅读来满足解决的。阅读是我们自小以来最为游泳...
鲍子都 魏朝时,有一个名叫鲍子都的人,傍晚在野外行走,看见一个书生突然心痛。魏子都下马替书生揉摸心口,但是没有好转。一会儿,书生死了。子都检视书生的口袋,里边有一卷写在白绢上的信,还有十块金子。魏子都于是卖掉一块金子,用来购治棺木,埋葬书生。其余的金块,悄悄放在书生尸体的头部下面...
急!高分悬赏 英语高手帮忙把短文稿翻译英语!谢谢!
sweetness The life of our last year in the middle school is busy, but sometimes it is sweet. After class, we joke and laugh in the classroom. On the playground, we do rope-jumping and play basketball. The cheers from spectators never stop. The laughter of us linger in the...