The runaway bunny
Once there was a little bunny who wanted to run away.so he said to his mother,’I am running away.’
‘If you run away’,said his mother,’I will run after you,for you are my little bunny’
‘if you run after me,’said the little bunny,’I will become a fish in a trout stream and I will swim away from you’
‘if you become a fish in a trout stream,’said his mother,’I will become a fishman and I will fish for you.’
‘if you become a fishman,’said the little bunny,’I will become a rock on the mountain,high above you’
‘If you become a rock on the mountain high above me,’said the mother,’I will become a mountain climber ,and I will climb to where you are.’
If you become a mountain climber,’the little bunny said,’I will become a crocus in a hidden garden,’
If you become a crocus in a hidden garden,’said his mother,’I will be a gardener,and I will find you’
If you become a gardener and find me,’said the little bunny.i will become a bird and fly away far from you
If you become a bird and fly away far from you,’said his mother’I will become a tree that you come to.’
If you become a tree ,’said the little bunny,I will become a little sailboat,and I will sail away from you,’
If you become a sailboat,’said his mother’I will become the wind and blow you where I want you to go.
‘if you become the wind and blow me,’said the little bunny’’I will join a circus and fly away on a flying trapeze,
If you go flying on a flying trapeze,’said his mother’’I will be a tightrope walker,and I will walk across the air to you,
‘if you become a tightrope walker and walk across the air ,’said the little bunny’ I will become a little boy and run into a house’
‘If you become a little boy and run into a house,’said the mother ,I will become your mother and catch you in my arms and hug you
‘shucks,’,said the bunny,’ I will just as well stay where I am and be your little bunny.and so he said.
‘have a carrot,’said his mother.
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