

第1个回答  2010-04-09
it's all right

歌手:van morrison 专辑:the bang masters
Words and music by Van Morrison

If it matters how you do it,
And how you do it it's your thing.
If it matters which way you go,
That's your way to go.
And if you get it like that,
That's the way you get it,
'Cause you get it like that
When you want to be that way,
When you wanna be that way,
That's the way you wanna be, see.

Hey! It's all right.
Yeah, its all right.

Now that you try to do to me
Out there a-walkin' doesn't matter, baby
Ain't no question, no suggestion
Nothin' in my mind that can't be
Shut out when I want it to be
Nothin' in yours that can't be kept in
When you open it up and lose it
And nothin' you can't let out
If it's got to be let out, just let it out
And don't worry which way it goes.


Now how can I tell you that I love you
How can I say so many words and so many syllables
In such a short space of time as this
Just turn it on and soak it in
And let it run off the walls
And let it down, keep it, and don't lose it
Or confuse it
It's just right there layin' open
Completely open for everybody to see
Yeah, you got it.

第2个回答  2010-04-04

it's all right 歌手:van morrison 专辑:the bang masters Words and music by Van Morrison If it matters how you do it,And how you do it it's your thing.If it matters which way you go,That's your way to go.And if you get it like that,That's the way you get it...

歌曲:The Closest Thing to Crazy 歌手:Katie Melua 专辑:Call off The Search 下载地址:http:\/\/blpwebzine.blogs.com\/nuesweb\/files\/03_the_closest_thing_to_crazy.mp3 歌词:How can I think I'm standing strong,Yet feel the air beneath my feet?How can happiness feel so wrong?How ...

演唱:吴卓羲\/陈键锋\/谢天华 作曲:周永恒 作词:郑樱纶 日夜之间的接口 段落之间的变奏 落入忠奸的缺口 灰黑之间你游走 愈用心分析对手 愈是交心的战斗 愈是分不清对手 情与义 那像似黑白事情 游戏吧 你共我追逐未停 忘记吧 抹掉昨天热诚 对或错 你或我 决定胜 Hea~ Woo~用什麽狙击对手 用目...

<学警雄心> 第三集中有一段英文歌曲 是女声的~ 有人知道是哪首歌吗...
是不是《Baby Baby》下载地址:http:\/\/www.9cool.net\/mp3\/baby.mp3

《学警雄心》第二集立文试听的那首英文歌 求高人告知
歌名叫I'll take you there.当然 在百度搜出的不是这首歌.这应该是在一个素材CD里的, 该CD里的音乐都是这两位作者的作品 可能这不是一首正式的歌曲吧 长度只有1分半钟 请见 http:\/\/www2.playkpmmusic.com\/pages\/viewcd\/viewcd.cfm?cdnum=1401 第4 21 38 55 72首都是这个(人声版的 ...

是不是韦伯乔他妈妈死的时候给他的那个音乐盒里放出的音乐?很浪漫又好象有些伤感的?那首歌是谭咏麟83年电影《阴阳错》的主题曲“幻影”好不容易帮你找到了那首音乐盒里放出的音乐。地址是:http:\/\/www.a8.com\/hfq\/banzou\/down.aspx?bzid=1172 (曲子的网站,可下载~!)...


】 帮人帮到底,如果还有问题的话,继续追问,我一定继续解答。 我也很喜欢这首歌!好像注定了要回答这个问题…… 学警雄心2学警出更14集(在27分钟的音乐)是《baby baby》,现在很难找的,我以前下载过的地方,都已经不能下了,都是重新找的。准备了几个【下载链接地址】,如果不能使用,请尽快...

<学警雄心> 第二集中有一段是钟立文在cd店里听的那首英文歌曲叫什么来...
是不是Baby Baby Baby

