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Mount Olympus of the gods, most people have no alternative but to the small Cupid Cupid. Cupid has been hailed as a symbol of love, according to legend, he has a very beautiful blond head, and delicate white face, and a pair of wings to fly freely, Jupiter and Venus along with his mother in charge of God's love And marriage. He has a gold bow, an arrow Jin Jian and a lead, he was the golden arrow, there will be love, even if the enemy is also into couples, and certainly Sweet love, happiness; On the contrary, he was the lead arrows, And they will refuse to love, that is, couples will become the enemy, love becomes painful, Duhen from doping. It is said that Cupid is archery eyes when tied to a radio, so people love to say that fate. Cupid's arrow, whether small and the people of God can not stop the arrival, he was shooting at the Apollo with Jin Jian, arrows lead to the Daphne In the end, the Apollo to make love. A lot of love stories as he is replaced 帮忙 怎么翻译一下哦 谢谢了

Mount Olympus of the gods, most people have no alternative but to the small Cupid Cupid.
Cupid has been hailed as a symbol of love, according to legend, he has a very beautiful blond head, and delicate white face, and a pair of wings to fly freely, Jupiter and Venus along with his mother in charge of God's love And marriage.
He has a gold bow, an arrow Jin Jian and a lead, he was the golden arrow, there will be love, even if the enemy is also into couples, and certainly Sweet love, happiness.
On the contrary, he was the lead arrows, And they will refuse to love, that is, couples will become the enemy, love becomes painful, Duhen from doping.
It is said that Cupid is archery eyes when tied to a radio, so people love to say that fate.
Cupid's arrow, whether small and the people of God can not stop the arrival, he was shooting at the Apollo with Jin Jian, arrows lead to the Daphne In the end, the Apollo to make love. A lot of love stories as he is replaced



Amongst the gods on Mount Olympus, Cupid was the one most people recognise and remember. Cupid has long been hailed as a symbol of love. According to ancient Greek mythology, he has beautiful blond hair, and a delicate face with a pair of wings to fly. His mother along with Jupiter and Venus are in charge of the love and marriages of the gods.

He has a golden bow, and two arrows. One with a gold tip one with a lead tip. It is said that if Cupid shoot with the golden tipped arrow, he will bring love to the couple shot, making even enermies to lovers. On the contrary, if he shoot with the lead tipped arrow, he will turn lovers into bitter enermies. When they fall in love, people always call it fate, they are being shot by Cupid's arrows. Even though Cupid's arrows are small and delicate, but even the gods could not resist their power. Once Cupid had shot Apollo and Daphne with the golden tipped arrow and made them into lvoers. A lot of love stories were said to originate from his golden arrows.


第1个回答  2010-03-22
第2个回答  2010-03-21

It has long been hailed as a symbol of love, according to legend he was a naughty, little body with wings of God, and his arrow into young men and women, once the heart, it will make them deeply in love. In ancient Greek mythology, he was the goddess of love and beauty (Aphrodite) Aphrodite and Ares (Ares) Ares younger son Eros. In Roman mythology, he was called Cupid (Cupid), his mother was Venus (ie, Aphrodite).

Cupid's arrow, whether small and the people of God can not stop the arrival, he was shooting at the Apollo with Jin Jian, arrows lead to the Daphne In the end, the Apollo to make love. A lot of love stories as he is replaced 丘比特的箭尽管小,但是神都无法抗拒。他曾用金...


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