
1.Dickens 的 Oliver小说使儿童贫困引起了公众的关注,这对改善儿童的生活水平起到了重要作用。(要求用play an important part in)
2.他们刚到家天就下雨了。(要求用No sooner...than...)
3.午餐供应汤、水果和蔬菜。(要求用be severed)
5.学生们正在讨论这时汤姆激动的闯了进来。(要求用be doing...when...)
8.在教学楼后面是实验室,学生们可以在那里做化学、物理、生物实验。(要求用Behind....a lab where)
9.只用通过这个方法我们才能够培养社会技能和锻炼自我的能力。(要求用Only in this way)
1.Dickens’Oliver Twist bring child poverty to the attention of the public,it plays an important part in improve child’standard of living.
2.No sooner had he arrived home than it was rain.
3.Soup,fruit and vegetable is severed in lunch.
4.Hardly had the child arrived home when his father hit him by the leg with the stick.
5.Students are discussing when Tom excited rushed into the room.
6.The children staring at the table with eager eyes,because they became quite wild with hunger.
7.So late did they start that they didn’t catch the first bus.
8.Behind the teaching building stands a lab where students could carry chemical、physical and biology experiment.
9.Only in this way can our develop social skills and exercise our ability.

1.Dicken's Oliver Twist brings children poverty to the public,which plays an important part in improving children's living standard.
3 Soup,fruits(这里复数是水果的种类)and vegetable will be serverd in lunch.
4Hardly had the child arrived home when his father hit him in the leg with the stick.
5The students were discussing when Tom broke into the room furiously.
6Only in this way can we develop our social askills and practice our abilities.
第1个回答  2010-03-30