
老师好!My name is @@@,今年@@岁,我的家在北京市密云县,毕业于@@学院。性格开朗,做事认真的我,毕业参加工作后,越来越感觉到知识的匮乏,经过自身不懈的努力,终于考上了@@大学的成人本科。



Good teacher! My name is @ @ @, @ @ years old this year, my home in Beijing Miyun County, graduated from the @ @ Institute. Pleasant personality, a very serious my graduation to work, more and feel a lack of knowledge, through their tireless efforts, finally admitted to the University's adult undergraduate @ @.

Very pleased to be here to learn English, because the low level of school English, English vocabulary is not enough, so now to learn, some difficulties, but the motivation to learn is very high, like the teacher's help, my English can have The improved test to pass.
第1个回答  2010-04-02
Good morning/afternoon Madam/sir, I am XX. I am XX years old. I am from Beijing, Miyun County. I graduated from XX. I am an outgoing girl/guy. I am conscientious at work. But since I left college, I have felt I need to learn more. I made a lot of efforts and finally made it to the further education in XX.
I am excited to continue learning English. I am not good at it, and sometimes I have a hard time due to my limitations on vacabulary. But I am still positive and hopeful. I hope I could improve a lot with help from teachers. I hope I could do well on exams.
第2个回答  2010-04-02
hello,evryone! I'm @@@ from MiYun Town, Beijing, and I'm @@ years old now. I graduated from @@ College.
第3个回答  2010-04-02
Good morning, Mr./Mrs./Miss. My name is@@. I am @@ years old. Born in Miyun Xian, Beijing City, I graduated from @@ college(in 1999). I am outgoing and conscientious in my work. After graduation, I realised my lack of knowledge at work. Through unremitting efforts, I was admitted to @@ university as a adult undergraduate student.
It is my honor to study English further at this university. I have a great attitude toward my study despite the fact that I do have some difficuties in learning due to my low level of English at college. I sincerely hope I can improve my English and pass the examination successfully with your help.