

Nowadays, with the rapid development of our society, especially the IT and information industry, cell phones are accessible and they play a dominant role in our daily life, which greatly facilitate our lives. Firstly, it’s very useful and convenient. As a wireless mobile phone, it can be easy to carry and make people reach others and be reached immediately, without considering the location. Secondly, it’s also a perfect recreational tool. With the progress of science and technology, cell phones are much more powerful than ever. With them, people not only can make a phone call, send SMS, but also can play games and search the internet, even do shopping. Furthermore, when you are in trouble, the handy cell phone is an effective way to help you.
However, some people argue that the mobile phones bring some negative impacts to people’s lives as well as convenience. Firstly, to a certain extent, the mobile phones will affect interpersonal relationships. If you constantly fiddle with your mobile phone when you’re communicating with your friends or families, the mobile phone will make dialogue delay to make others feel that you lack of sincerity and even likely to cause conflict. Secondly, mobile phones will narrow the circle of life by making the traditional social models, such as family gatherings, school reunions, less important. Because mobile phones occupy too much of our time and attention, and force us to focus on them. Last but not the least, mobile phones are harmful to our health.
To sum up, moblie phones as a tool to faciliate our lives, we should use them appropriately to make convenience and reduce their negative impacts.
第1个回答  2013-04-18
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Nowadays, cellphones become popular among students.

Some students think that it is convenient for students to keep in touch with their parents by cellphones. Besides, sending short messages and making a phone call have become an important part of their daily life.
一些学生 为学生有机会便于同父母联系。此外,发短信或打电话也是日常生活所需要的。

However, every coin has two sides. Others think the cellphone has bad effects . Some students listen to the music on cellphone at class. What 's more, they play games and send message to their friends whenever they like


In my opinion, students can have their own cellphones ,but they should use their cellphones properly.

第2个回答  推荐于2018-02-15
First of all, it is much more convenient than regular phone. You can make a phone call wherever you are. If you are ill or see an accident, you need an ambulance to come at once. Mobile phone can save your life.
Secondly,to send short messages is much cheaper than to make a phone call.
Last but not least, nowadays, mobile phone has more and more functions. You can take pictures. You can listen to music by using it as a MP3.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2013-04-19
First, mobiles make it convinent for people to keep in touch with each other whevere they are.Especially when they have something important.It reduces the cost for people dont have to travel a long way to get to know the things in person
Second,we can send messages by mobiles with little money,just 0.01 yuan for each short message.
third, we can also play games or take photoes or listen to music on the mobiles,late we do many things on them with the development of technology.
But they also have many disadvatages.we have to pay for the wrong numbers which are not for us.The radioactivites may do harm to our health.Sometimes the rings may affect others in public or at meetings
第4个回答  2021-03-25
