去年澳门回归祖国十周年庆典的情况 英语作文











Lotus Square stands in the central, moral prosperity of Macao will always eye-catching large golden lotus sculpture. The central government in 1999 and Macao to the motherland the occasion presented to the Macao SAR Government presents - "Sheng Shilian Flowers", witnessed a decade of harmonious prosperity of Macau.

7:58, by the Security Police team consisting of players were holding the flag protection flag and the HKSAR flag, vigorous into the square, two special police team breakdown Yingzisashuang security on both sides of the flagpole.

8:00 sharp, bright and green flag of Macao SAR flag, in the police band played the majestic national anthem rising. In the winter morning light, flags fluttering in the wind, and Golden's "Sheng Shilian flower" it might constitute a beautiful picture.

10 years ago today, the establishment of the first government of Macao Special Administrative Region, the public first saw the flag and the flag hoisted in Macau. After December 20 each year, the SAR Government in Lotus Square held a grand flag-raising ceremony to mark the return of Macao to the motherland.

All circles in Macao 300 people attended the ceremony.

10th anniversary of Macao's return: Guangdong and Macao together to create a "harmonious border"

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, December 20 - (Xuxu Yu, Chi Peng, Chen Gang) Guangdong Zhuhai and Macao are closely related, Macao, Guangdong and Macao border management gradually from the previous "armed guards type" to "administrative service." Guangdong and Macao Police established a close border liaison mechanism to fight crime, common services, economic relations, built up a harmonious border line.

After the return of Macao, Guangdong Border Defence Corps in close collaboration with the Macau police, talks and meetings to establish regular working system, strengthen information exchange, and several visits, joint exercises held in anti-illegal immigration, cracking down on illegal immigration, smuggling and cross-border crime.

Macao Special Administrative Region of Macao Customs maritime law enforcement forces, responsible for the management of the border area with the establishment of the Zhuhai border detachment from detachment, the group corresponding to the station three regular meetings, communications mechanism and duty linkage mechanism with Macau Customs front-line duty at sea in establishing a "point" intercom system, both officers on duty in the instant communication, has greatly enhanced the efficiency of cooperation and combating cross-border crime activities.

Guangdong Border 5 detachment since 1999 has invested more than 500 million complex at the side of love, duty heavy task of the lot into a set of graphics transmission, electronic monitoring, emergency alarm, organization and command and disposition of the border situation as one of the fiber optic network and achieve the detachment, squadron duty brigades and the three-tier command and control center for real-time location monitoring. Only sit in a detachment command center, Qing Yi mouse, and out-Zhuhai-Macau border, vehicles can be clear, once for illegal activities, monitoring system control center will automatically alarm, duty officers and men in the video signal can be completed quickly under the guidance of law enforcement duties.
第1个回答  2010-04-26
下一个有道词典或者金山词霸 就行了
第2个回答  2010-05-06

Macao Is To Return (澳门回归感想)"Do you know Macao is not my true name. Mother, who I've dreamed of for three hundred years, please call my surname-Ao'men!" The tune of the song lingers in my mind. Being separated from the mainland for three centuries, Macao is ...

去年澳门回归祖国十周年庆典的情况 英语作文
10 years ago today, the establishment of the first government of Macao Special Administrative Region, the public first saw the flag and the flag hoisted in Macau. After December 20 each year, the SAR Government in Lotus Square held a grand flag-raising ceremony to mark the return ...

2009年11月20日,澳门回归祖国十周年纪念日.为庆祝这一特殊节日,表达莘 ...
(1)结合频数分布直方图可得:自左向右第四组的频数为:20-3-4-6-2=5;故答案为:5;(2)结合折线图可知:95分出现4次,出现次数最多,所以学生评委计分的众数是 95分;故答案为:95;(3)利用折线图得出:10位学生评委分数是:95,91,95,98,94,95,96,97,95,93.∴去掉最高分...

庆澳门回归十周年作文 我急用啊!

回归十年间,政府财政累计盈余由不足130亿澳门元,增至1000亿澳门元,财政实力增长近7倍。 ——42倍,2008年入境旅客与特区居民总数之比。回归两年后,特区2001年全年入境旅客首次突破1000万人次。自2003年7月内地城市陆续实施赴澳门“个人游”后,内地客源大幅增加,入境旅...


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