//2016.06.24 自用 by Wang Z.P.
//Start of the Y/N
库文件,所需变量为 char exitInput; char BUF; 可以排除非法输入,诸如非法长度,输入回车等。读取用的是getchar(),的确麻烦很多,但是操作起来要比scanf思路清晰一点。
char exitInput;
char BUF;
while((BUF = getchar()) != '\n'){
while((BUF = getchar()) != '\n' && BUF != EOF);
printf("\npress Y to Continue, N to Exit: ");//非法长度
exitInput = getchar();
while(exitInput == '\n'){
printf("\npress Y to Continue, N to Exit: ");//输入回车
exitInput = getchar();
if(exitInput != 'N' && exitInput != 'n' && exitInput != 'Y' && exitInput != 'y'){
printf("\npress Y to Continue, N to Exit: ");//非法字符
exitInput = getchar();
while(exitInput == '\n'){
printf("\npress Y to Continue, N to Exit: ");//输入回车
exitInput = getchar();
} else {
if (exitInput == 'N' || exitInput == 'n'){
// End of the Y/N