
The chopper slams down on a gravel pad near what looks like a metal scrap yard. In the distance small armies of oilmen bundled in thick black coats are welding and bolting and banging on the snow-covered facility's tangled web of gleaming pipes, drilling derricks, and fire-spewing towers. It's 2°F outside, warm for this time of year. Thousands of feet below the frozen earth are some of Russia's most promising oil and gas reserves: the Yuzhno Khylchuyu field, on the northern edge of the Timan Pechora petroleum basin, a New Mexico-sized triangle of land located below the Barents Sea and just west of Siberia.
While Soviet geologists discovered hydrocarbons here back in 1981, nothing started flowing at Yuzhno Khylchuyu until last June. Vladimir Tsoj, an oval-faced man with an unbreakable frown, is the project's deputy director in charge of thermoengineering. "We're developing this whole facility from scratch," he says through a translator, "and in this country that is not normal." That's an understatement. This project is one of Russia's first new major oilfields since the days of Leonid Brezhnev.
But the very things that make Lukoil work in Russia are holding it back in the rest of the world: Lukoil remains a very Russian company, with all that has come to imply, from its complex structure and opaque finances to its inefficiency and dependence on the good will of the Kremlin. And while it buys up assets in the West to gain favor with investors, it also uses its Eastern connections to enter countries like Venezuela and the former Soviet republics, where other oil companies generally aren't allowed for political reasons. Alekperov says Lukoil will double its oil and gas production outside Russia by 2010, and expects international wells to generate 20% of the company's production by 2014, up from 5% currently.

一架直升机停在由碎石垫层造成的看上去像是金属废料的院子附近。在不远处的小股石油工人们,裹着厚厚的的黑色外套在焊接并用螺栓拴住然后使劲敲打着被白雪覆盖的错综复杂的闪亮的管道网络、钻井吊杆、喷火塔设施。室外2华氏度,是一年中暖和的时候。数千英尺以下的冻土是一些最有前途的俄罗斯石油和天然气储量。Yuzhno Khylchuyu这片区域,在北部边缘的Timan Pechora油气盆地,是一个新的墨西哥大小的下面三角形的土地位于巴伦支海和西部的西伯利亚。
当苏联地质学家发现碳氢化合物时要追溯到1981年,但是直到去年七月才发现有东西流动。Vladimir Tsoj,一个紧皱眉头的椭圆脸型的男人,是这项工程的主管热力工程的副指挥。“我们用我们所有的设备从头开始开发这里”,他通过翻译说“在这个国家(这种情况)是不常见的”。自从勃列日涅夫上台后,这个项目是俄罗斯的新的几个重要开发油田之一。
但是正是这些东西使Lukoil在俄罗斯的工作对世界其他的地方进行隐瞒。 Lukoil仍然是一个俄国公司,与所有已经暗示,从其复杂的结构和不透明的资金以其效率和依赖于克里姆林宫的美好愿望。虽然当它买进西方资产讨好投资者,并利用其东部连接进入国家像委内瑞拉和前苏联共和国,由于其他的石油公司在政治上不被允许。Alekperov说Lukoil将翻一番,石油和天然气生产外,预计到2010年,俄罗斯国际威尔斯生成20%的股份有限公司,从生产到2014年2% / 3% / 4% / 5%。
第1个回答  2010-10-17
第2个回答  2010-10-16