

第1个回答  2008-10-22
" huckleberry finn endangers and writes ": Kazakhstan grams of Pele one clever, kindhearted, brave white teenager. He is in order to pursue the life of freedom, escape to the Mississippi. While escaping, he has run into the black slave Jim. Jim is an industrious and sincere, hospitable and honest, loyal and devoted black slave, his destiny sold again by the host in order to escape, flee from hosts. They drift about on the Mississippi together, live the life freely, two people have become the good friend. One gram of Pele's freedom for Jim in Kazakhstan, go through the innumerable trials and tribulations, learns finally, Jim's master has already liberated him in the testament. Among the novel, Kazakhstan grams of Pele and personality of Jim distinct and outstanding, the image is vivid. The whole realism of one describes and enhances each other's beauty with romanticism lyrically, the sharp and deep one is revealed, the humorous and pungent satire and romantic and legendary description are integral, have formed Twain's unique artistic style of marks.
第2个回答  2008-10-22
The Grangerfords and the Shepherdsons
While living quite comfortably in the wilderness along the Mississippi, Huck happily encounters Miss Watson's slave Jim on an island called Jackson's Island, and Huck learns that he has also run away. The two team up and shortly after missing their destination, Cairo, Illinois (in a free state to which Jim has planned to escape), Huck and Jim's raft is swamped by a passing steamship, separating the two. Huck is given shelter by the Grangerfords, a prosperous local family. He becomes friends with Buck Grangerford, a boy about his age, and learns that the Grangerfords are engaged in a 30-year blood feud against another family, the Shepherdsons.

The vendetta comes to a head when Buck's sister, Sophia Grangerford, elopes with Harney Shepherdson. In the resulting conflict, all of the remaining Grangerford males are shot and killed, and upon seeing Buck's corpse, Huck is too devastated to write about everything that happened. However, Huck does describe how he narrowly avoids his own death in the gunfight, later reuniting with Jim and the raft and together fleeing farther south on the Mississippi River.本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2008-10-18

" huckleberry finn endangers and writes ": Kazakhstan grams of Pele one clever, kindhearted, brave white teenager. He is in order to pursue the life of freedom, escape to the Mississippi. While escaping, he has run into the black slave Jim. Jim is an industrious and sincere, ...

《哈克贝利费恩历险记》 写作特点和主题是什么?






急!求一篇英语名著读后感。 50字左右
《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》(The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn)描写小顽童哈克遇到逃离主人的小黑奴吉姆,两人为了躲避一场杀人误会,乘坐一条小木筏沿著密西西比河顺流而下,碰到了各种有趣的遭遇。其中最紧张刺激的一段 ,是哈克拆穿骗子「国王」欺骗三姐妹家产的骗局,结果被坏蛋穷追不舍。而哈克为了应否...


通过对 《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》的阅读,可以让我们通过儿童的声音来听取儿童真实的内心,看到一个鲜明的真实的儿童形象---探索、反抗、逃避、绝望。 在美国19世纪中期,霍桑的《红字》就具有了儿童形象作品的雏形,但到了二三十年后,在马克·吐温的两本历险记《汤姆·伊索历险记》和《哈克贝利·费恩历险记》中,儿童才...
