合理消费有意义的经历 英语作文


Around the compus, we can commonly see some college students wear branded clothes, using the most advanced appliances such as Ipod, Iphone and Ipad. In spite of where the money comes from, I absolutely oppose the view that college students consume luxuries. As far as I am concerned, we should advocate rational consumption among college students. As follows, I will share some suggestions.
Above all, college students should have access to earning pocket money. This is a priority. Most college students, who have already asked their parents to pay their fee, should take responsibility to afford their daily consumption, let alone luxurious consumption.
In addition, it is necessity, rather than luxury, that counts. Seeing other students buying luxiry, some students are jealous and would like to buy one themselves. This is what we call irrational consumption.
Last but not least, keep a balance table each month. If you have fancy dinner this week, then you are supposed to cut down the cost next week. Also, you can set up some bonus plan for yourself. If you spend less than, say, 500 yuan per month, then you can allow yourself a 200 yuan luxury consumption next week. The amount varies as to how much you earn and how much you have.
In a word, it is beneficial to carry rational consumption among college students

Consumption is an integral part of our lives and plays a significant role in stimulating economic growth. It can bring joy to some individuals, fulfilling their desires and enhancing their well-being. Conversely, for others, spending can be seen as a source of inconvenience, perceived...

合理消费有意义的经历 英语作文
using the most advanced appliances such as Ipod, Iphone and Ipad. In spite of where the money comes from, I absolutely oppose the view that college students consume luxuries. As far as I am concerned,

写作思路:可以从多思考,避免冲动消费;该省的省,不该省的不要省;不盲目购物这几个角度出发进行阐述。正文:Think more and avoid impulse consumption. Many people will like a thing for a while, but regret it after they buy it. In this case, it is suggested that before you buy an...

For some people, consumption brings happiness. However, for others, consumption is troublesome because they think it is a waste of money. The consumption view of the older generation is different from that of the younger generation.But I think reasonable consumption is the best.For se...

知道小有建树答主 回答量:1227 采纳率:80% 帮助的人:427万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 Nowadays, most middle school students have pocket money every month, and we did a survey in Class 1, Grade 9. As the result shows, among the thirty students taking part in the survey,...

I believe that moderate consumption is the best.消费方式受生活状况的影响。老一辈经历了艰难困苦的日子,所以他们对娱乐没什么追求,而年轻人却恰恰相反。在我看来,钱应该用于提高生活标准,不然就会失去其本身意义。有一部分的钱应该用来支付娱乐和社交。Consumption patterns are influenced by living con...

合理消费 Reasonable Consumption 在平凡的学习、工作、生活中,大家都跟作文打过交道吧,作文是人们以书面形式表情达意的言语活动。你所见过的作文是什么样的呢?下面是小编收集整理的英语作文: 合理消费 Reasonable Consumption,希望对大家有所帮助。Consumption is necessary. It promotes the economy. ...

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